'And you need to know that your the reason why'<3

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  • Dedicated to My lovely boyfriend Jesus(:

Am I?.....Am I really, I cant be.....But Its true I have fallen for you.Words can not explain my love and passion for you.You make me blush till I look like a tomato.You say the sweetest things that I love to death.Your not afraid to tell me A N Y T H I N G.You know you can trust me with everything.You tell me all your secrets and I wont tell a soul.You think i'm really shy but baby when I'm around you,you know I get those butterflies.Your dimples are TO DIE FOR.I love how you tell me about your dreams and how I'm in them.I know its only been a short amount of time that we've been together but I have N E V E R felt this way about any other boy before.Those times when we're video chatting and you say I look beautiful even though it's three oclock in the morning when you woke me up saying 'let's video chat?(:' I wasn't in the mood but baby I'll do anything for you.You've stolen my heart and won't give it back.But now that im thinking......I'm fine with that(:

'And you need to know that your the reason why'&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now