Harry's Mum let Louis in and told him to just go through the back door that lead outside. Louis followed her instructions and didn't pay attention to the kitten that was watching him curiously as it followed him outside.

Sensing a presence Harry looked up and fixed his gaze on Louis, then glared, "Louis? What are you doing here?" Harry put his shovel down and took off his gardening gloves which were covered in dirt, "I came to see you because I'm tired of you ignoring me and I don't know why." Louis answered truthfully.

"You know why we're not talking, stop playing dumb. I told you I liked you, but it wouldn't work and you know it." Harry sighed sadly, watching Louis walk further towards him and stepping around all the plants. Henry followed and Harry picked up his kitten that seemed to want attention. "Does it matter what our parents want us to do? I'd happily give that up if it meant I'd be with you!" Louis argued and Harry just looked at Henry, hoping he would give Harry some kind of reply.

"You didn't meet me that long ago, stop being so foolish," Harry said harshly. Though he knew he also really liked Louis as well and he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't want to go against his parents, "I saw you with that girl anyway so it's not as if you were exactly serious." Harry scoffed.

"Who? Danielle? Fuck, Harry, I don't like her, I'm gay for gods sake!" Louis explained

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"Who? Danielle? Fuck, Harry, I don't like her, I'm gay for gods sake!" Louis explained. He was becoming infuriated because Harry was so worried about everything and it's their business, not anyone else's.

"I'm sorry, but it's not going to work and I don't know how many times I have to say it." Harry gulped and put Henry down, the kitten getting bored and wandering off somewhere to sleep probably. Just as Louis was about to answer, Harry's Mum was calling Harry's name and asking, "Is everything okay out here?" In a sweet tone. A protective tone. A hero tone, Louis thought. God, what would his parents say if they found out he was there?

"Just fine Mum!" Harry replied in a fake happy voice and his Mum left, "You need to leave." Harry said, placing his finger on a flower with unopened petals and watching the petals magically open. It was distracting and that was probably why Harry was using his powers to his advantage, "So this is what you do in your spare time?" Louis said, ignoring Harry's request for him to leave, causing the boy to roll his eyes.

Louis started touching Harry's plants which Harry condemned, saying, "Don't touch the plants, only I can touch the plants," Harry shot daggers Louis' way, "It's just, I grew them myself and I don't like other people touching them." Harry said defensively and Louis threw his arms up to surrender.

"They're beautiful," Louis complimented, "Just like-"

"If you say 'you', I'll grow a human eating plant and I'll make sure it bites your head off." Harry warned.

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