Chapter 12: The Trial and A Regret

Start from the beginning


"He's been thinking a lot. I don't exactly know what's going on with him..."

"I'm not going to let them split us up. You're staying on my team."

"John... I might not-"

"I don't care."

An officer walked in, and smiled at me, handing me a datapad. "The results of the trial. If there's any issues, please come and talk to us." I saluted, and he left the room. 

"So.... Do you want me to look first?" I asked him. 

"What does it say?"

I scanned the document, and smiled. "They knew that you'd get upset I guess."


"They put on here that I'm to stay on your team."

John breathed out in relief, as if he had been holding his breath. I noticed his behavior, as it became stranger and stranger from what it should be. 

"Are you okay John? You've been acting sort of strange..."

"I'm fine." he said with his old monotone voice. I shrugged, and sighed. 

"Well, if you act weird again I'll probably ask again." 

"I know."

Laying down on the bed provided, I stared up at the ceiling. 

"Are you okay Elizabeth?" I heard from the voice that Star put into her translator. 

"I'm fine... I'm just tired because of the day."

Star sighed, and smiled again, becoming excited. "They gave me a box with a lot of tools and materials to look at today! I was able to tinker more too!"

I smiled, the excitement of the creature making me feel happy. "That's awesome Star!" 


I giggled, and yawned. "I think I'm gonna take a nap Star."


She floated off, and I closed my eyes for a few moments, taking in the peace and quiet, the perfect tranquility. 

A few days later, John was getting fitted for his armor again, as they were testing the shield capabilities, which were better than before. I just wore dress clothes, as I was going to be walking with him on live camera to be commended for our actions on Halo. Inside, Star helped with the fitting, her tentacles going over the metal plating. I said hello to the Engineer as John went towards the shields test.  She showed me another weapon, this one for my brother. He was doing a shields test right then. 

"This is cool Star, really."

"Thank you! I also helped improve his armor and shields, though I could only do so much since I had to ask."

"I'm still proud of you for doing so much!"

"Thank you!"

Johnson came over, with his white navy uniform on. He smiled at myself and Star, and nodded for us both to get into the elevator. John joined us, standing next to me and looking at Star, who was floating happily.

"This facility is beautiful..." I said, looking out to the stars. Star nodded, looking with me. "Earth is really pretty too... I've only ever seen Harvest and Reach..." I added, awestruck.

"On the ground, it's got really pretty sights as well. Maybe if there's time you all can have a tour." Johnson replied, smirking. He, as a constant companion to myself and John, knew of the relationship we had and how I seemed so young.

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