"Do you need help undressing or can you do that." He asked as I pursed my lips at him.

"If your offering I mean." I said as I lifted my arms wiggling my eyebrows.

"Not that way." He said as I frowned my arms dropping.

"Then I'll pass, your no fun." I said as he rolled his eyes at me.

"The worst, have fun." He said as he left and I took my shower.

Grumbling because I was angry and wanted to you know. I got out and went to the other room as I got dressed.

I got ready and went down the stairs still kind angry about the whole thing but I had no choice.

"Finally." Josh teased as I glared at him briefly.

I also flipped him off seeing the food and like running to it.

"Give me, Give me, Give me." I said as Justine laughed and handed me the plate.

I took it greedily and didn't even hesitate to dig into it as fast as I got it in the first place. I looked up when I was down them staring so shocked and I sniffled.

"It's not my fault I'm eating for 3." I said the tears slowly falling as they all freaked out.

"We didn't mean it that way dear, not at all," Justine said as I only cried even harder.

I'm my emotional state sitting on the floor hugging my legs as they seemed kinda scared.

"Hey Dani." Josh asked softly as I didn't look up hiding behind me legs.

"I have bacon." He said as I looked up to see him the single piece of bacon.

"Can I have it." I said between tears still hungry at this time and I don't know how.

"After you stop crying." He said as I looked at the bacon.

But I was sad, I was lap very hungry and it looked good.

"Can I have it anyways." I asked as he chuckled at me.

"No, you gotta stop crying for me first." He said as I saw he was sitting in front of me.

"But I'm really hungry." I said sniffling a little the tears slowing down.

"So all you gotta do is stop, that way you can eat it." He said softly as I sniffled again.

The tears stopping on my face as he smiled at me.

"See that wasn't so hard right." He asked as I took the slice of bacon rating it slowly.

"You were staring at me like I just murdered your mom, you all were or like a fat person eating a Twinkie." I said as he shook his head at me.

"We would never, we were just shocked that's all." He said as I looked his over.

"I'm so emotional, I don't even know why this is happening anymore or how to control it." I said as I then again started crying even more.

I couldn't even grasp my emotions to try and control them all.

"Hey, that's not your fault." He said rubbing my shoulder as I cried.

"Yes it is." I sobbed not knowing what I was even crying about.

I just really wanted to cry apparently today. It was the denial, yep it's that and the hormones.

"No it's not, listen to me it's perfectly okay to get emotional and you don't have to control it." He assured as I just cried I don't even know what about.

"Do you want more food." He asked softly a few minutes later.

That's literally all it took for me to stop as I stared like a child.

"Food." I asked as he nodded handing me a plate.

He stood up and I just went to eating now happy again.

"What just happened." Jess asked as I kept eating quickly.

"Mood swings, the worst part by far." I heard the dad say as I looked up crying again.

"I heard that." I said as he shook his head and Josh glared.

"Look bacon." Josh said as I was happy again munching it quickly.

I'm surprised I even tasted but damn was it good. He took the plate when I finished patting my now full belly.

"That was good." I agreed as Dan took my hand and helped me to my feet.

"Looked like it." He mused as I shrugged using his arm to her steady.

"Is ready for school now." I said as I pulled along Dan and he shook his head.

"What the hell is wrong with her," Jess asked as I could picture an eye roll.

"Nothing is wrong with her, it's all the hormones that cause the mood swings be very careful." Justine said as I kept whistling pulling Dan out of the house.

They soon followed as I went to the car and got to the school.
Walking the halls was boring as I heard something behind an abandoned hallway. It was a moan or maybe a groan I couldn't tell.

I followed the sound to the source and ended up at a door. I could see a guy with black hair and he was obviously kissing the girl.

But it was who the girl was that shocked me. It was Wendy as she let out a loud moan against his lips.

His hands were all over her and he pulled off her shirt. She was cheating on Josh, oh my god.

I took out my phone taking pictures and a short video for proof as I left the room. I got to my class the photo's haunting me.

I had to tell him right, no I couldn't it would ruin him.

The Accidental Babies (Hart #1)Where stories live. Discover now