Chapter 3

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You woke up like you did everyday and went to school.
You entered the pink building earlier than usual and decided to go to the host club room to see if anybody else was there early too.
You open the door to see everyone except Haruhi.
"Wow I thought I would be the only one here." You say, surprised. "We all meet here early to make up a plan for the day." Tamaki explains.
"Oh well then, where's Honey?" You ask. Just then you felt a little body grab onto your waist "(Y/N)-CHAAAAN~" he smiles. "Oh there you are Honey." You go down to his level and hug him. "Want to have any cake?" He asks. "I'm not very hungry right now cause I just had breakfast but I will gladly sit with you." You smile and walk to his table with him. "Oh yeah! (Y/n)-chan I don't really know much about you, what do you like?" He asks while poking a strawberry with his fork. "Oh um well I enjoy (fav hobby/pass time/course)" you respond while twiddling your thumbs. "Oh! That's pretty cool! I like cute things!" He exclaims. You chuckle at his behavior and lean on your hand. "Honey! It seems that you have lots of girls that signed up for you today! Good job!" Tamaki exclaimed in praise. Your heart started pumping, you also felt slightly angry from Tamaki's statement. Your fists clenched and Honey looked back at you, he looked worried. "(Y/n) are you alright?" He asked while putting his thumb on his lip in confusion. He looked really adorable "oh uh it's nothing! I'm fine!" You quickly reassure him. While making a rather large fake smile. "Y'Know (y/n) you can come here during host club times and talk to me then too!" He smiles. "Thanks but I'd rather not, if I do that then our conversation will feel fake, and I want all the interactions I have with you to be genuine." You slightly smile. His cheeks redden slightly and you quickly realize that he might have taken that as flirting, you blush and quickly stand up "uh I probably have to go to class." You stand up and mutter a good bye before briskly leaving the room. You walk down the hall and hit yourself on the forehead "Stupid, stupid! Why did I say that?!" You groan before quickly walking to your first class even though you were still quite early.

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