"Bye." I say walking out the door trying to fix my hair and shirt.

"Bye babe." He says and I leave the office and then the gym. I walk back to the lunch table and everyone stares at me.

"Hey where were you?" Lucas asks and I just smile at the them.

"Went to the bathroom." I said and sat down putting my lunchbox into my backpack.

"You were gone for like 20 minutes..." Kris says, and I give them a reassuring smile.

"Yeah I went to the bathroom and then I talked to this girl. She was crying in the bathroom and I couldn't just leave her there so I tried to help. Didn't really work but i don't know." I say and zip up my bag.

Everyone just shrugs it off and continues to talk with one another. I feel a hand go on my thigh and see Lucas looking at me.

"That was really sweet....what you did for the girl." He says and i look at him blankly as soon as I'm about to move his hand the bell rings and he stands up grabbing his bag and I do the same.

Guess I'll have to tell him another time.


I get to gym and get changed. Yeah my school sucks and they make us change on the first day, unless you are new or a freshman and don't have P.E clothes. But for everyone else there is no excuse.

Our gym clothes aren't that great. For the guys a long pair of sport shorts and a simple gray T-shirt with a space for their name.

For the girls we have shorter shorts, no not booty shorts but shorter maybe half way up on the thigh. And a gray tank top. For the winter we have to wear out gray T-shirts. Both have a space for our name as well.

I slide on my shoes and look over to see Liz already dressed and waiting for me. We hook arms and go up the stairs to the gym.

I glance over and see Andy talking to some of the girls and mentally gag. Too bad they don't know that he's already taken by ME! I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I look up to see Kris.

"Hey babe." He says and I smile at him.

"Hey there yourself. I didn't know you had this class." I said and saw Lucas coming out of the boys locker room, I wave him over and jogs toward us.

"Yeah my schedule changed and I got out into this gym! Lucky you!"

We all laugh and we hear a whistle. I look over and see Andy putting the whistle down and clap his hands.

"Seniors! Come line up!" He yells and everyone walks over to our area, not really knowing our name order yet.

Since my last name is Cortez I'm always at the beginning of the line. Which is sometimes great but sucks in class when I'm put in the front desks.

"Hey guys I'm Mr. Robinson. I'm gonna read off names and you guys get in the line. Then we'll talk about how this week is gonna go." Andy yells and starts calling off names one by one checking off who is here and who is absent.

"Isn't that Ambers older brother?" Kris says and I nod.

"Yeah this is his part time job apparently." He nods and talks to Liz about some AP class that I'm not in.

"Rosalina Cortez" I hear my name and blush as his accent with rolling the "R".

"And-I mean Mr. Robinson. You can call me Roe." I say and he writes it down.

"Got it thank you Roe." He says and smirks at me. I smile back and blush a little but not letting anyone see.

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