Two ◈ The Family Dinner

Start from the beginning

The sound of laugher caught both of the loved up teenagers attentions and Sophie practically dived for her bedroom. She heard Allison say something about how the pair of them had been joking about which is why they're both in such weird moods. It wasn't entirely wrong but still Sophie felt the urge to fake a scoff.

Once she heard Allison and Scott travel to Allison's bedroom Sophie knew she was in the clear. As predicted, when they inevitably walked past Sophie's bedroom they peeped their heads round to check on her. Sophie knew that would happen and began aimlessly doodling in her notebook while laying on her bed. If they did walk in on her practicing self defence they would've had some questions which Sophie was not prepared to answer.

Even though Kate had instructed her to just stick with weapons like guns and possibly the bow and arrow, if she could learn it, Sophie wanted to learn hand to hand combat. Who knew if one day Sophie would need it whether or not it was for supernatural vengeance or not. Whatever would cause it Sophie wanted to be ready to fight back. She did not want to be a stereotypical little girl who cannot save herself. This damsel wouldn't need saving if Sophie had any say in it.

While Sophie was trying to perfect a few tricks that she'd seen on her favourite tv show her mind kept wandering back to Allison. She wondered if it amazed her too how close they'd grown within less than twenty four hours. Sophie had never been as jokey as she had been with Allison. It almost felt as if they were actually family who'd known each other their entire lives.

Time seemed to fly by and next thing Sophie knew she heard a car pull up outside of the house. She stopped mid punch to some random person she'd pictured in her mind and wandered over to the window. Chris and Kate were back from grocery shopping already. Knowing that Allison and Scott don't want to be caught by Allison's family Sophie decided it would be best if she went and told them about the near adults.

Obviously, since she knew about Allison's plan, Sophie knocked on the door multiple times. It was strange though because her room was absolutely silent which is unusual for two teenagers who are doing certain things. In confusion Sophie braced herself to walk in but was met with an empty room other than the boxes that laid on Allison's floor.

"Oh shit." Sophie cursed after realising where they went. About ten minutes ago she'd heard somebody go into the garage but she just presumed Allison went to get something and went straight back into her bedroom. Not once did it occur to her that they may still be in there because she'd never heard somebody walk back up the stairs.

As quick as Sophie could she made her way towards the garage. She even did some parkour over the downstairs banister which, according to the internet, was very good for hand to hand combat. Who knew, certainly not Sophie until a few minutes before it happened. Anyway, by the time she made it to the garage it was too later. The lovers had already been caught by Papa Argent who looked pissed.

"Great," Chris smiled falsely at his daughter and her boyfriend who were bent down next to his car, obviously trying to hide. Next his eyes wandered to Sophie who was grimacing as she leant on the doorframe. "Mind helping too, Sophie?"

"Sure, gotta love groceries."


Well this, my friends, has to be the funniest dinner I've witnessed to date.

Sophie and Kate had just finished getting in the last of the groceries, which Scott kindly helped them with, when they saw Chris going all protective dad. Nodding to each other, Kate and Sophie smirked at their mentally debated plan. Once they reached the steps to the front door where Allison, Scott and Chris were gathered around, Kate's smirk directed to her brother.

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