"I'm using the bathroom." Jess said as she walked away from the kitchen.

"Just anything." He said ignoring the fact she flirted with him.

She seemed a little impressed as Wendy glared and I chuckled.

"This is gonna be a great dinner." I said as I leaned back on my arms and chuckled some more.

They all rolled there eyes and Heather chuckled along with me. Then again she was my bestie and she knew me and Dan.

Dan a little better seeing as they had slept with each other. But still you get my point.

"That was so much fun." She agreed as we came in my house and I pulled off my hoodie.

"It was something else." I agreed as she pointed at me.

"If your girl doesn't like jump you now, I don't know what else to do." She said to Dan who pointed at her.

"There's nothing else to do." He said as I nodded at them both.

She touched, Kissed, Flirted with Dan shamelessly and Jess was very pissed. I think it also means she'll tell him soon.

"There really isn't, you literally pulled out all of stops I was impressed. Still flirting with Dan to." I said as she pointed at me from next to Dan.

"Yes, I'm proud of myself really." She said Dan rolled his eyes at her.

"Of course you are, I flirted with every guy while having a fake boyfriend." He mocked in her voice as she slapped his shoulder.

"I didn't say I had a boyfriend, I said I might so ha, I'm stealing one of your shirts." She said and before he could object she ran down the hall.

"She's right though, she'll be on you in anytime just gotta wait now." I said as I patted his shirt and walked to my room.

Only to get undressed and pull on pajamas. So shorts and a tank top ignoring my belly and the babies.

"What are we watching tonight." She asked walking in my room right after I pulled on my shirt.

"Something, I see you kept to your word." I said noticing the simple blue shirt covering her body.

To her thighs her tan legs exposed as she twirled around.

"I can only wonder what's under the shirt." I said as she shrugged pulling it up her body.

It was a simple black set of underwear to cover her most important parts.

"So sexy." I teased as she nodded at me in reply.

"I know right." She joked as she pulled the shirt down again.

He came out of his room to meet us in the hallway in just shorts and her eyes went down his chest briefly.

"Yep, that's a nice sight." She said as he pushed her along the halls.

"I still like Josh's better, there like so very defined." I said as she rolled her eyes now being carried from her refusal to walk.

"Hey, that's my butt your touching sir." She said as she pointed and he shrugged moving his hand.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." He said as she shrugged also and he kept walking.

Her legs dangled and she kept talking besides the fact you could see most of her legs.

"Thanks Dani." Josh said as I jumped a little.

"What are you doing here." Dan asked setting down Heather again.

But the shirt bunched and you could see part of her underwear.

"Sorry." She said pulling it down once Josh turned his eyes away.

"This is for you, mom found it but I have another reason for being here." He said as I took the cardigan from him.

"Thanks." I said clearing my throat as Heather stayed silent next to Dan.

"I'm going to go now." Heather said as she turned to walk away.

"Stay, I want to talk to you." Josh said as she stayed turned around.

I looked at her and she looked at me as I nodded and she turned back around. With the same flirty smile she usually bad.

"What can I help you with sweetie." She said as he raised a eyebrow at her in reply.

"I have a girlfriend, if you would like to stop that." He denied her and she let the smile drop.

"Yet here stands Dani, pregnant with your children while you have said girlfriend." She said then glaring at him instead.

She doesn't like to be denied, she doesn't take it easily.

"Snappy." He tried back as she huffed at him.

"Cheater." She countered as he snorted.

"Flirting with guys who're taken." He shit back as she glared at him.

"I'm out of here." She said as she went to turn around Dan stopping her.

"Your staying here, you will not injure my room." He said lifting her and holding her in place at her hips.

She tried to resist and kept wiggling out of his body but failing.

"Keep wiggling, I dare you and see what happens." He said as she stopped right after that.

Yep, the sex jokes never stopped.

"What are you two." Josh asked looking over them carefully.

"Something, it isn't of concern to you." She said crossing her arms as she glared.

She didn't move in his gold and I think we all knew why on that one.

"Maybe I don't believe you." He said as she rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"We have a very on again off again relationship, it's currently on." Dan said as it wasn't a complete lie. 

"You sure about that, she seems real flirty." He countered as Dan nodded at him.

"Yep, not like it's actually any ones business." Dan said as he gave him a look of challenge.

"Okay, sleep Dani." He said pointing at me and leaving the house.

"We're currently on." She asked once the door closed and glowed.

"Yes we are babe." He said as he pulled her over.

"We're you serious about the wiggling thing." She asked as she gestured to down there.

"Dead serious, your ass was like right there and you know." He said as she turned a nice pink and shut up.

He smirked at her whispering something I didn't hear in her ear as she went a little more pink.

"No further questions, I'll be in the other room." She said walking away pulling the shirt down.

We both laughed and followed her body away to the other room.

The Accidental Babies (Hart #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя