The Children [One-Shot]

Start from the beginning

Sam, Jonathan and Taeil then came to the group with evidence that they raided the candy that was suppose to go in the piñata for later. Bounce house, piñata -Stacy's Hispanic side really did kick into gear when planning her oldest son's party-.

"Did you leave any for the actual piñata?" Jongsuk asked the younger boys, completely forgetting about the girl who still had her phone and was now looking through more of his text messages to try and find this mystery girl's name, but nothing so far. He seems to delete his messages after a certain time period has passed -all except the one's between them- which she found to be strange.

Azusa slowly tried stepping away from the group of people she basically saw as siblings. The group of three 14 year olds were like the little bothers of the group, the twins were the eldest and Jay and her were the weird, awkward, middle kids. Azusa's attempt to slyly escape the group didn't go unnoticed. Sora -the only other girl among this band of children of came from past famous idols- noticed Azusa slowly slipping away and she followed, soon leaving only the boys talking about who knows what by themselves.


Azusa and Sora went into one of the many guest rooms in Jin and Stacey's house, which is where this party was being held. They sat on the expensive bed and turned on the TV for unnecessary, yet necessary, background noise.

"So what's up?" Sora asked the younger girl, "we haven't had one of our girl talks in a while. I think the last one was when you told me you finally got your per-"

Azusa cut her off when she began talking about a topic she was still sort of uncomfortable with. "Yah! No need to talk about that, and how I thought I was dying"

"The cramps make us feel like we're dying" Sora added and poked her abdomen. The 15 year old Azusa couldn't help but agree. "So why you going through my idiotic brother's phone again? Did you two hit a brink in your relationship or something?"

"For the billionth time, Jongsuk and I aren't dating"

"Sure seems like it" she retorted and Azusa gave her a playful not so playful push.

"You mean like you and Jay?" Azusa teased but it made Sora bug eyed to hear of the thought of her and Jay together.

"There's nothing going on between Jay and me. He's like a little brother to me"

"And Jongsuk is like an older brother to me". Right as she finished saying that, they heard something breaking -maybe a vase- in the hallway. They got curious so they got off the bed and opened the door only to see a broken vase on the floor but no one around.

"Oh man holy shit! A ghost!" Azusa joked but Sora -who always had a irrational fear of the paranormal- freaked the fuck out and began calling for her mother as she ran to the living room where all the adults were.


Jay and Jongsuk -who were hiding in the bathroom after breaking the vase- heard running footsteps down the stairs and another pair following them, alongside Sora crying out for her mother.

"You made your sister cry" Jay whispered, cautious in case someone were to hear them.

"Not on purpose" Jongsuk defended, "and she's not even crying. She's just scared like the scaredy cat she is and always was". He slightly, and slowly opened the door to peek into the hallway to check if the coast was clear. They were basically eavesdropping on the girl's conversation which their mothers frowned very much upon and led to serious punishment. According to their mothers, "eavesdropping is an invasion of privacy that a girl can never forgive because girls must have sacred secrets kept between them and only them". But their fathers say "if you ever get curious, just don't get caught or else you're calling for a death wish" and then Taehyung or Mark would occasionally add "in other words, if you get caught , you'll probably won't have sex for as long as they please".

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