Day 1

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Its the first day of school I'm new here and super shy . Every were I look I see people watching me it's weird and freaky . I try making friends but somehow I freeze when I am near someone, I don't know why . Weird, right? so now I am just going to be alone the rest of my life . Joking I will find someone soon but until then I will just hang on . I am not even one day in school and already I have more homework then I can handle this school is torcher (don't tell them I said that). I have only in been 2 classes so far, I have more than 8 things to do . The teachers are crazy to think we can do all these things in one day. I dont know way we moved away from Brooklyn to New York City I loved it there . My parents won't tell me why . Also they haven't talk to each other since we moved so I think something is up I just don't know what . It just smells fishy .But anyway I'm walking in the hallway and I bump't into a cute guy . He had big blue eyes, short black hair he was super tall and very nice . I felt jelly in my knees . "Sorry I didn't see you there .......Im Jykip by the way."He said to me as he helped me with my books on the ground . "He-e-e-ey I'm Mo-mo_Molane . I said in the lamest way ever.But everything changed when "MICKENZE" showed up. She is the most beautiful girl in the hole school unforchinently she is also the most mean girl in school . I have only been here a day and already there is somone ruinning my life . Not I have enough drama already . "Hey girlfrend how is it going .Oooo hey Jykip I didn't see you there my littel lover boy". She is in the most annoying way possible . I was like wat ever I don't care anyway . Then she hurt me so, she turnd around and hit her hair in my face. So I hit her ...not really just in my head.Then Jykip looked at me and said she should really keep her nose in control because it is being really nosey. That was so funny that I laughed the hole period . Just as he gave me my books the bell rang and he said bye then left . That's when I realized I had a crush on him and a big one two . I never thought I'd be getting a crush on him this early in year. Well as I was going to class someone triped me and guess how it was... MICKENZE. That know good,two face, backstabbing boly. She made me fall right on my face and it was painful two. And then she laughed about it saying that I'm a clumsy dork. ARGGG SHE MAKES ME SO MAD 😬.But I'm not going to let her get the best of me. So I just got up and told her that she was a bully and that she should pay attention to what she does and then I went to my desk. She sterd at me like I was wearing my underpants on the outside or something. (A few minutes later) OMG the teacher is boring me out of my mind that I actually drow a picture of me being bored out of my mind is that crazy or what?. She ses al of the things in the same most boring and anoing tone in her voice. I think I fell asleep in the middle of class. But I was woken bay kids shoting me from back of the room with spitbolls. It was really wet and big

Sorry people. I will be publishing the next bruft sone and plz vote

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