Chapter 29 -Will I See You Soon?

Start from the beginning

Feeling a bit mischievous, I quietly pad into the kitchen after brushing my teeth and washing my face. I stand at the door and watch as Marcel manoeuvres around the room with humble expertise.

He's apparently on a phone call and the phone is on speaker. So he's alone.


I step inside the kitchen.

He's yet to see me since his back is turned and his attention is half on the stove and half on the call. I walk over to the fridge and clear my throat but not too loudly to disturb his call. He turns around the same moment I bend over pretending to look in the fridge.

"Holy shhh...uh...Mr Gordon? Can we continue this discussion at the office?"

There's a pause and then, "Sure. I'll come by around one."

Marcel rattles off a quick agreement and goodbye. I can feel his eyes on me. " don't have any orange juice. No milk." I stand up, closing the fridge. "Coffee?"

He points to the coffee maker on the counter. Same place it always is. I make sure my girls brush him while I pass behind him to get to the coffee.

"I hope you don't mind that I changed your clothes and moved you to the bed. The couch seemed a little uncomfortable."

I shrug, tipping to reach the mugs in the cupboard. The more I stretch, the more my legs are exposed.

...he let you go because you needed him to.

He turns his attention back to the stove. Well, he tries to but he keeps glancing at me. I decide to let him finish the eggs before my distraction caused them to burn.'ve got all that and you're throwing it away. I shake my head, trying to get rid of Ariel's voice in my head.

I came here to get him back and that's what I'm going to do. He can make all the excuses he could but I know he's trying to push me away because he's scared.

What will it take for him to see that I'm not going to leave him again? He turns the stove down telling me to have a seat. So I sit down.

On the counter.

He glances at my legs than raises an eyebrow. "Just waiting on the coffee," I lie. "So what are you doing today?"

"Well, I have two meetings. Both new and big clients."

I smile, proud of him. "That's great."

"Yea. You always told me this was gonna happen."

"Not that you ever believed in my awesome psychic abilities," I laugh.

"Psychic, huh? What am I thinking now?" He says, coming closer to me.

I bite my lip. His eyes are drawn to the movement. "You're thinking about kissing me."

"What makes you think that?"

"Because I want you to," I whisper, praying he wouldn't shut me down. He closes the space between us. Slowly, he trails his hands up my thighs. His eyes feel like they're glued to mine as if he's​ searching for something. I have no doubt now that we can go back to the way we were.

We just need to work on it. It can't happen overnight.

I smile, mentally giving him the go ahead. He brushes his thumb between my thighs, just below the hem of the T-shirt. I bite down on my lip again to prevent myself from jumping him. He grips the fabric and begins​ to pull it off me when we're suddenly interrupted by the smell of something burning.

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