(ch. 29)

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Steven pov
"We need to go to the underworld for an important collecting mission" kala said

I wasn't feeling good around the portal, it made me feel dizzy and weak

"What are you collecting??" inquired the panther

"Important things that will help us with the downfall of thor" said kala

"Your bringing down thor!?!? This is just too good to be true!?!? Are you sure you pipsqueaks can handle it!?!?" asked the panther in disbelief

"We can handle it if we collect the things from the underworld" said kala

"If i let you into the underworld, can you destroy the anina crystals that so we can be free once more??" asked the panther

"Why are you not free?? And who's us" i asked starting to turn a little green, suddenly i passed out....

Aph pov
"Why cant we join dragonclaw??" i asked

"Because dragonclaw died years ago" snapped amber

"W-what? Then how are you not insane?" i asked

"Because alpha luna gave me a gift" said amber

"Well what do we fluffing do now???" asked sly

"Pick a clan" said amber

"Can you tell us about the clans??" i asked

"Sure,  red beenaca like the brave and in their territory they have blood maple trees, black awkee like the night and in their territory they have the portal to the underworld, green lanenver prefer the kind and in their territory its always summer and there's always plenty if food, purple crenshaw house those with the skill to raise the dead, in their territory they have purple ponds and are rivals with gold roxilly, gold roxilly favor those with the ability to manipulate light, their the most secretive clan and their territory have gold rocks, blue pendorum welcome all and have a treaty with shapeshifting foxes, and silver minnamist favor the bloodthirsty, they have almost no pack laws and no respect for those who aren't wolves, their also the most vicious and are cursed by alpha luna herself" said amber


Suddenly it started raining hard, thunder and lightning flashed everywhere...

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