Chapter 8

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September 9th, 2016

Dear Diary,
Today I met Sam Daniels.
Sam Daniels is a tall boy, with a round, tanned face, black hair that falls into his eyes, and electric blue eyes. He's apparently the most popular boy in the grade, as he told me - a lot.
He was nice to me, though. But I think that's only because McKenzie Freeman is in our class. Oh yeah, I should probably tell you what happened.
When Sam walked in, I wasn't sure what to think. He was loud, obnoxious, and already been told to quiet down by the teacher - twice. I gave him a wary look, which I don't think he liked. He asked me why I was giving him a look, so I asked him if he was going to call me names. McKenzie wasn't far away, so I don't know if he was really worried or not, but he asked my why on earth he would call me names. So I told him about how I had Leukemia, and how the other kids called me Sicko. He looked at me with sympathy, and pinky promised that he wouldn't call me names. I thought this was sweet, until I saw that he wasn't looking at me, but McKenzie Chapman, who blushed and giggled. I gave him my meanest look and turned away, pulling out my book, Harry Potter. I don't think he even noticed.
So diary, that is why I am not very happy. I was looking for someone other than Mommy and Daddy and Tyler who would love me, but I didn't get anyone.
Oh, Christmas is soon! Maybe I can ask Santa!

I am tired diary. I don't want to think of a goodbye.


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