Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

That all happened a year ago. My life has never been the same again since that day. I became the freak. The crazy girl. So, of course, that lead me to be here, where I am every Thursday afternoon, sitting on a black pleated leather chair in Dr Brown's office, talking about my feelings.

I should really catch you up starting from that day. I ran straight home. My mother got a phone call from my school letting her know of her daughters break down in the middle of class and I didn't help my case when she got home from work, as I was huddled in a corner, hugging a pillow crying my eyes out begging for the pounding in my ears to stop. That evening I was taken to the hospital to see what was wrong with me. Three long days later, I was released with the verdict of being physically okay however mentally, not so much. There apparently wasn't anything to suggest why all of a sudden I was crazy, why I had my break down, why I saw things that no one else saw. And so I was told I had to go to a shrink three times a week to talk about my life and feelings. They believed it was stress but I wasn't stressed until now. Over the year, I magically got it down from three sessions to one session a week. I leant to keep my mouth shut. To let them think that I didn't see anything anymore. That was a lie. I saw. Everywhere I went, I saw, those same cloud of smoke twisted around every living thing.

I learnt to control them in a way. They were always there, spinning around every living thing; human, animal or plant, but I learnt to make them smaller, to only focus on them when I wanted. I learnt that they changed colours with people's emotions and that... I had control. It took a few months but then I realised they were auras. People's life forces pulsing around them that only I could see.

Over the year, more weird shit happened to me. Not only could I see auras but I could also feel people's emotions like it was own. I knew what they were feeling without looking at them. All I needed was to be in the same room as them. Then I could control their emotions. When a person felt grief, I could find them peace. When a person was happy, I could make them angry. That I did a lot when that power came about, by accident. When I was learning, I accidently made people feel my emotions. Not my fault, I swear. It was hard to push emotions into a person when you wasn't feeling the emotion you was trying to send to that person. Truthfully that wasn't even the weirdest. I could enter people's dreams. I could control them and change them as they slept. Now that was freaky. Slipping into my mother's dream is not something I enjoyed while trying to get a grip on all the powers I had. I could also heal the injured. I could take their pain, I could mend broken bones, cuts and bruises. I could heal the dying. I couldn't bring the dead back though.

Within a year, my whole life had changed. I had powers that no one else had. I had powers no one else knew about. It was my dark secret. I had to learn how to use them. At first I thought I was crazy, I thought that maybe God was punishing for something I didn't remember doing. Then I realised that I wasn't crazy. Maybe crazy freaked but not crazy. All I could ever think about was if somebody found out. I had to go to counselling three times a week, for one break down, of one power. What would they to me if they knew the truth? That I wasn't crazy, that I had other powers. I would become a science experiment and I didn't want that. No one knew. Not my parents, not Sommer, not even my bloody cat, Sargent, knew. So I had to hide what I was. I had to pretend that I didn't see the auras anymore. That I didn't even know what they were.

"Miss Haye's are you listening?" Dr Brown spoke from the chair opposite mine.

"Yeah I am. Sorry my brain zoned out for a moment. As you were saying?" Dr Amy Brown, was a middle aged women, average in all departments. She had thick brown hair that she wore in a tight bun on the top of her head, she was neither thin nor fat, and she was neither pretty nor ugly. She was just average. She always wore the same type of dark grey pleated suit and ugly shoes. Her aura was average as well, whenever I was around it was this light red, dark orange colour, which meant that she was frustrated with me. Auras worked by colours meaning certain emotions however, every aura had something different about it, it was like DNA. You would never see two auras the same. There was like a rope twisted in the middle of the aura that contained on average about two colours that merged. That rope was how you knew who the person was when all you was looking at was the aura. Dr Browns was a pastel pink and a pastel blue, twisting around each other like the double helix.

"Have you seen anything peculiar this week? Any more clouds? Smoke?" Brown carried on. This chick irritated me.

"As I say every week, for the last year, I have not seen anything. I'm not crazy! I don't know what happened last year. It must have been stress or teenage pressure getting to me, but it's never happened again. I don't need to be here. I'm normal!"

"I can understand that Lucy, however we don't want it to happen again so we are being cautious for your best interest." Her aura grow darker as she got more annoyed with me. I couldn't say I hadn't seen it before as it happened every week. "Fine, tell me what you have planned this week. I believe your birthday is coming up, I'm I right?" Brown's voice was what I imaged the American's thought of British accents, thick while pronouncing every letter like it was their own words. I knew where this conversation was going. Brown and my mother believed that my break down might happen again on my birthday, that I had an oppressed emotion regarding to my birthday, in which lead me to going crazy.

"Yeah. My birthday is on Wednesday. Mum wants to take me out for the day, however I disagreed because I have school. Nothing is really planned apart from probably hanging with Sommer and maybe Phoenix if Sommer drags him along again." Phoenix and I weren't friends, not in a long shot however after me becoming the crazy girl at school, only him and Sommer stayed around and Sommer believing I needed more friends decided she would make him come everywhere, even though I have told her many and I mean many times that I thought he was strange. Her reply was always the same, "You're strange so it works,"

"Interesting." Brown wrote something down on her annoying black book that she took everywhere with her, always writing note as I spoke about stuff that had nothing to do with anything. All of a sudden a loud bleeping entered the room from her desk that sat behind us. It was the clock that stated I could finally go as our session was over for another week. Before she could say more or even say anything, I was already on my feet, heaving my backpacked across my back and walking out of the door.

"I'll see you next week!" She called after me and I closed the door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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