Chapter 10

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-Eleanor's POV-

Harry and I lay on the blanket, looking at each other and discussing random topics. The summer breeze refreshes me from the sun beating down through the trees. I notice Harry's cheeks have a hint of pink from the heat, as I'm sure mine do too.

"Do you wanna go soon?" I ask. "It's kinda toasty out here."

"Ya. Sure," he says, slowly standing up.

I stand up as well and step off the blanket to fold it back up. Before I bend down, I notice a wicked smile spread across Harry's face. He rushes towards me, slinging my body over his shoulder, and runs to the river. Before I know it, Harry drops me into the water, completely submerging my body. My clothes are soaking wet and Harry's are too. He takes his shirt off, throwing it into the sand, and without hesitating, takes his pants off as well. I'm not sure what he has underneath, but I'd be willing to bet its not much.

"Your turn," he says, making his way towards me.

"I don't think so Styles," I say.

"Isn't it uncomfortable, swimming in all those clothes?" he asks me, a seductive grin plastering his face.

"I'll be just fine," I continue to tease him.

He finally arrives next to me in the water. We're in about waist deep, leaving Harry's entire torso out of the water. I knew he had a nice body, but seeing him shirtless just shows how perfect he really is.

He leans in and whispers, "Its just you and me, nothing to be scared of."

Heat courses through my veins at his seductive words. Without any further thinking, I reach to the hem of my tank and pull it over my head, revealing my light pink, lacy bra. Harry's eyes scan my chest hungrily. He finally looks back up to meet my eyes and whispers, "I took off my pants too."

I know what he means by this comment and usually I would get mad at a guy for being this demanding, but with Harry, its so different. I want him just as much as he wants me and its not like we're going to do anything sexual. A bra and underwear is practically the same as a bikini. Without further ado, my hands make their way the the buttons of my shorts and they are removed and tossed to the beach. Harry stands and stares at me for a short while, but quickly approaches me and puts his hands around me, landing on the small of my back. Our mouths meet and Harry pulls my body closer to his. Harry's hands slowly make their way down my back, until they reach the hem of my light pink, lace panties.

Harry breaks the kiss and looks at me for a minute. Then, out of the blue, he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. He makes his way into the deeper water, until its up to his mid torso and drops me into the water, creating a splash.

"You little shit," I say.

A full on water war takes place and we splash back and forth. Finally, we begin to settle down and the splashing decreases to a minimum. Harry wraps his arms around me and we stay, him holding me, for a while. His strong arms wrapped around me, my head resting in the crook of his neck, I've never felt more safe or right in my entire life. My thoughts finally catch up to me as I realize how long I've been gone. My parents must be curious of my whereabouts and I haven't checked my phone all day.

"Oh my God!" I mutter.

"What's wrong love?" Harry says, eyes peering at me with concern.

"My parents.. they must be wondering where I am," I respond.

"Well, let's dry off and see if they've called or texted," he says. This sweet, concerned side of Harry is so perfect. I like it almost as much as the flirty, seductive side.

Fall -A Harry Styles FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum