Chapter 6

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I wake up to the alarm on my phone. It's 7:45, that should be plenty of time to get ready for coffee with Harry. While searching my suitcase for a suitable outfit, I can't help but think about how Harry is feeling now. Is he nervous to see me? Does he want to be friends or does he want more? Is this all a joke to him? Is he playing me? The thoughts run through my mind and I know if I don't calm down I'll get myself worked up and will chicken out. Finally, I decide on a pair of high-waisted shorts, my Batman crop top, and my black Allstar high tops, something that I packed for the rest of my orientation today. I head to the bathroom to shower. That should help me relax and clear my head. As the warm water runs down my body, my nerves die down and I am becoming more and more confident about seeing Harry.

I put on my outfit and exit the bathroom. My parents are just waking up and I inform them of my plans to go for coffee. They seem okay with it, I know it's because they want me to have friends here. However, I didn't tell them it was with a boy. They wouldn't be mad or anything, but I don't want them to worry about me getting into trouble when I'm here. They had me earlier than they had wished, and although I know they wouldn't change a thing, they want me to be able to have more a childhood than they did. I promised them that I'll always be smart when I'm with a boy so I don't have kids until I want kids. I want to always respect this for their sake and mine, and for the reason that I'm simply not ready to bring a child into the world.

I head down the stairs into the hotel lobby and check my phone. It's 8:57. Harry should be here soon.

Before I reach the front doors of the hotel, I see a black car pull up. I look through the heavily, tinted windows and see that Harry is in the driver's seat. His car seems very nice from the outside, and I can't help but wonder where he got the money to have a car like this. He sees me and opens his door to greet me.

"Hello Eleanor" Harry says, his heavy accent maneuvering the sounds.

"Hello Styles" I say back while admiring his entirety. He opens the door for me and I lower myself to sit in the passenger seat. "Thank you," I say in response to his surprisingly, charming gesture.

He grins down at me with an adorable smile exposing his even more adorable dimples.

I can't help but notice how wonderful his body looks in his faded, black skinny jeans and low v-neck shirt with the sleeves rolled. His dark tattoos are easily exposed due to his low v-neck, and I admire how attractive they are. Overall, he looks fantastic. Finally, my eyes reach his face and I can tell he noticed me "checking him out." A sly, knowing smirk spreads across his face as he leans down to press a kiss to my cheek.

He shuts the door, and makes his way around the car to the drivers side. When he enters the car, the air is filled with an aroma unlike any I've ever smelled. It's the perfect combination of tropical overpowered by must and pure sexy. I swear if Harry, himself, doesn't make me fall for him, his scent will. It's so weird that I admire the way he smells so much, but something about it draws me to him, it's aromatic perfection.

"So, how was your morning?" Harry says interrupting my hazy thoughts.

"Oh. It was fine. My parents were alright with me going out." I respond.

"Well that's good. We wouldn't want you defying your parents before college has even started," he chuckles.

"I am not going to defy my parents in college!" I protest.

"You say that now, but sooner or later, all college kids break the rules a bit, love. It's an unavoidable part of the experience," he says.

"I guess you're right," I sarcastically admit defeat. "But even if I break the rules, I'm not going to go against what my parents want for me. They've worked too hard to get me here."

Woah. I think just said way too much. I sorta learned the hard way how Harry feels about personal information.

"Well, you seem to be an amazing daughter. And you're parents are lucky," he says almost bitterly. How fast he can change from flirty to dark and secluded.

"What the hell.. Is something wrong?" I ask, confused.

"No. I mean, it's true. You are a great daughter and they're lucky. It's just.... Well, I.. Oh never mind." He says without taking his eyes off the road.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You don't have to tell me anything unless you want to," I say to in attempt to take some pressure off him.

"No, it's okay. I just don't really talk about this ever, with anyone," he says.

"You can tell me." He takes his eyes off the road and looks at me while I speak. "If you want to," I quickly add.

"Well, my relationship with my parents is just not like that," he says clearly holding back what he is feeling.

"Well, just because you don't have such a great relationship with them, doesn't mean they don't love you," I try to persuade him.

"No, my dad... He hates me. I haven't seen him since I was two," he says softly, looking down.

"Do you just live with your mom then?" I ask.

"No. Umm, my moms dead," he says, without anger or bitterness, but just sadly. "She died while in labor, with me. I was adopted after..."

"I'm.. I... I'm so sorry," I say at a loss for words.

"It's okay. I have a really good adoptive family. They're all I've ever known. And they're better than my loser of a father," he replies in a hateful tone.

"Why did your father give you up for adoption?" I ask.

He turns his head from the road to look at me. Sad eyes lock on mine. "He... I guess he.."

"Wait, he couldn't possibly blame you for your mom's death, could he?" I blurt before he can finish.

"I think he does.... But I can see why," he says in a whisper.

I don't even know what to say. This boy next to me has suffered more pain than anyone should have to. He never even got to know his mother, and his father stays away from him. Not to mention the fact that he blames himself for his mom's death, something that clearly wasn't his fault.

"It wasn't you fault," I state and place my hand on his arm. He cringes and I automatically remove my hand.

"It's just something that I will never forgive myself for," he responds. His eyes begin to glisten with the shadows of his rough past. "Even though I couldn't control it, I still feel like it was her life for mine."

"No, no that's not true,"

This is not how I thought I would spend orientation. Yet, here I am with this dark man who refuses to talk about his past as he pours out the darkness of his past for what seems like the first time.

"Ya.. Thanks. So, the shop is right up here on the left," he says, clearly trying to change the subject.

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