Awakening the maiden

Start from the beginning

Hades spoke.

"All right!"

Hades snapped before he could say 'going thrice'

"Yes, we're there! Bam!"

The Lord and the hero shake hands and Hades takes strength of Hercules. Megara's restrained disappeared as she took a deep breath.

"You may feel just a little queasy, it's kinda natural. Maybe you should sit down."

Hades used his magic to make Hercules fly back into his working out equipment.

"Now you know how it feels to be just like everybody else. isn't it just peachy? Oh! You'll love this. One more thing. Meg, babe. A deal's a deal. You're off the hook. By the way, Herc. Is she not, like, a fabulous little actress?"

Hades spoke dragging Megara into his arms.

"Stop it."

Megara spoke, begged if you will.

"What do you mean?"

Hercules asked. Megara felt even more guilt wash over her.

"I mean your little chickie-poo here was working for me all the time. Duh."

Hades spoke as it was the most simplest thing in the world.

"You're-- you're lying!"

Betrayal washed over Hercules face.


Coughed Panic as a boy.

"Jeepers, mister, you're really strong. "

Pain spoke in his boy form before both he and Panic laughed, before turning back into their ordinary form.


"Couldn't have done it without you, sugar, sweetheart, babe."

Hades spoke. Megara pushed him away and took a step closer to Hercules.

"No! It's not like that! I didn't mean to-- I-I couldn't-- I-- I'm so sorry."

She spoke quietly.

"Our hero's a zero! Our hero's a zero!"

Chanted Pain and Panic.

"Well, gotta blaze. There's a while cosmos up there waiting for me with, hey, my name on it. So much for the preliminaries, and now on to the main event!"

Hades shouted, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"Wonder boy, im so sorry"

Megara began walking towards Hercules. Hercules waved her off, slowly walking towards the town square. He wobbled slightly, without his strength he couldn't even stand straight. 

"Hercules! Where are you?"

A booming voice spoke as Hercules stumbled out. The villages cheered slightly at the sight of their hero.

"Hercules! Come out! Face me!"

The cyclops spoke in anger, waiting for the mortal god.

"What are you doing? WIthout your strength, you'll be killed."

Megara spoke as Hercules started to walk out.

"There are worse things."

Hercules whispered. Megara's face filled with guilt. As she remembered her betrayal to him.


the Cyclops shouted to the people. The villages ran who ever was near the monster.

"Wait! stop!"

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