"You! How can you take the topic always to that specific point?" she asked, shaking her head and calmly had her food.

"What can I say? I am frustrated with all these kisses and only kisses." I replied shrugging and she sighed before turning to stare at me.

"He will get hurt when he knows what was I doing with you all this time." She said and just stared.

"I am sure he will not get hurt. It isn't like you are not feeling the attraction with me and you are pursuing it. Who knows for how much time you have to stay here and what will be happening near your home place. So, enjoy the moments." I said, smiling and thought she will start thinking about it, but she just stared at me before getting up.

"So, for a few moments of enjoyment we can hurt anyone who actually loves us? Do you know how much it hurts when we see that the person whom we love with whole heart goes and shows their affections to someone else just for fun? It kills the person like the heart is taken out and crushed." She shouted while her breathing was fast.

"Lily! I... is it an experience?" I asked, coming out of my shock.

"Yes!" she replied, closing her eyes.

"Is it that Simon?" I asked, suddenly feeling angry at that guy.

"Yeah! But what can I say, he didn't know that I love him." She replied shrugging.

"What do you mean?" I asked her frowning.

"Well, we were not like lovers with love at first sight and all in his view. However, for me it was more than that. If I thought I felt that love when he rescued me before I get injured, then I felt the same when he was fighting the people for me." She replied staring at the hut.

"What? Where did the fighting and men come from?" I asked her frowning and she turned towards me with the same frown.

"They got down from the jeep with which they hit my car." She replied like I am so stupid to even ask that question.

"But you didn't say that in the beginning." I pointed out.

"What I am going to say now which will not be said if you keep on interrupting is also not said before." She stated.

"So, I fell in love. However, he didn't and don't even have that thought. I realized that when I saw him with a girl and then another girl after a some time. So, I know the hurt which I don't want to give him." She said sighing.

"How did he fall in love?" I asked, to which she cleared her throat two times.

"I don't want to say it's you. I said more than enough." She simply said before walking inside the hut while I sat on the log.

She seems to have talked too much, but she didn't seem to have said anything at all. It's like a loop which opened for a second and immediately closed off.

However, the more important point here is that she really loves this Simon guy or at least thinks that she does wholeheartedly.

The hurt in her voice and eyes is more than a symbol for it. If any guy heard the voice, then he will never hurt another girl.

So, what should I do now? I thought covering my face and concentrated on her words and everything.

What do you mean by what should you do, Andrew? Are you going to let her be because of all this?

No! I was never the sacrificing type and I will not become one now. No matter what, she is mine even if I have to fight with any number of people including her.

After deciding that I walked away from the hut and started searching for any clue which would prove for the people searching for her already on the island.

I don't know why I got so lost in this searching that I came to a far end of the island. Realizing that it got dark, I started returning back.

All this work made me more sure of my decision as it felt good to care for her and see that she is safe here with me. By the time I reached the hut it was very late and completely dark.

I walked inside the hut determined to let her know my decision, but sighed when I saw her sleeping peacefully on the cot leaning to the wall.

I closed the door properly before lying myself beside her, but at the corner not touching her intentionally.

She was sad, just a few minutes before. It is better to let her be and try to make her come out of this no matter how much the feeling is there to just hug her.

But then she suddenly shivered and then again before hugging herself turning into a ball but didn't stop shivering.

"Fuck it!" I mumbled before moving to pull her into my arms and turned her around so that she faces me.

Pressing her body to me, I covered her with mine and waited for her to stop the shivering, which she stopped immediately within a few minutes.

"Where were you?" she asked in a whisper over my throat.

"I just went to make sure no one came uninvited. Did you miss me or what?" I asked, smiling into her hair.

"No!" she simply replied, but snuggled more into my body and I smiled before placing my legs over hers tangling both of us.

"I missed you though." I whispered, not feeling sleepy.

"Wait for a few days and you will miss me even more." She whispered back before pressing her lips to my neck, making me tighten my hold on her feeling the cold lips.

"Why are you shivering this much today?" I asked frowning at her.

"I don't know! I went for a bath and returned. However, I think I spent too much time in the water feeling relaxed. And since that time I am feeling too much cold." She replied giving another shiver.

"I hope you will not get the fever. There is no doctor near in the villages near to this island." I mumbled and started thinking another solution.

"Why the need of a doctor? I thought there are many ways to remove it or something." She mumbled, making me choke on my breath itself.

"Now, who is pervert here?" I asked while trying to come out the shock itself.

"I was talking about boiled water and some cloth like that. Don't worry about your pervert title because it will stay with you only." She replied and I can imagine her rolling her eyes or maybe I felt that too.

"Good! Because I am going to keep it which I will use only on you and not on any other girl." I said in a joking manner but at the same time gave the promise.

"Hmm..." she mumbled and I can hear her slow breathing indicating that she fell asleep.

"One day, Lily! One day for sure everything will be fine and you will forget him forever." I mumbled nodding in satisfaction at the feeling of such result and drifted off into sleep.


hey guys! so, the next one or two chaps would be in his pov only...

how is the chap???

comment plz and vote...

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