meeting the crew

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"He's my little brother."

Still Akyno POV
"Oh okay. That's why y'all look so similar." 'hmm, Luffy what a weird name. Before Ace could shout Luffy's name smoker screamed Luffy's name, startling the boy...The boy ran away.😓
"Hey wait!" Me and Ace yelled.
''LUFFY!!" Smoker yelled while running after him.

~Tiny time skip~ heh, sorry a little lazy.
"Well that was fun." I said while chuckling.
"Yeah, that was actually. Hey, come here. Let's go to my brothers ship." Ace said holding a hand out towards me.
"But how are we going to get there in this boat? It has nothing to propel it." I asked.
"You'll see. Hold on tight." He said with a smirk. Aahh, that smirk though!!! I wrapped my arms around his waist. He sent fire through the base of the boat and we were off. When we made it to the ship we jumped onto the ship. "Hey, Ace. How bout we act like criminals and you occupy your brother while I can have some fun."
He raised an eyebrow at me, questionably. "Heh, you..know..just to test them..tooo..see if they are a good crew...hehe.'' I said nervously, 'i totally just made that up.'He smiled and said,"Fine by me just don't kill em."😉 I waved him off and I jumped out of the shadows. The crew turned to me and automatically got into their fighting stances..well, some of them did. The others kinda whimpered and ran away. The green haired man growled," Who are you and why are on our ship?!"
I responded," I want to take Luffy with me."
He growled again but it felt darker,"Why?"
"Sorry, can't tell you that." I said smirking.
" You will not be taking him anywhere! You will have to get through me first!" He started to run towards me. I blocked his first attack and his second and so on. I nicked his arms and face a few times. Every time I cut him he looked more surprised than the last, like no one has ever done that to him before, especially someone like me. Ace finally came out with a laughing Luffy.
"Hey, Luffy! Get away, she is here for you!" The green haired man yelled.
"Really, Akyno?? You had to take it this far?"😑 Ace said.
"Yes, I did. It wouldn't have been fun if I didn't."😅 But he does have a point. I do go a little far with my plans and fighting.

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