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"Did you hear that?" Annabeth whispered to her cell mates. They nodded uncertainly.

The shouts of battle rang louder like it was getting closer to them. Everyone who was sleeping woke up to see what it was. People came running down the halls dressed in all black linen clothes. The demigods thought it strange to see these serious looking people in pajamas. The people in black unlocked their cells and let the demigods walk out. They slowly made their way out since they still couldn't believe they were free.

"Follow us quietly if you want to be free," a figure said in a hushed tone.

The demigods nodded quickly without saying anything. The large group made their way to the outside of the prison. All the other prisoners were sound asleep in their ice cells. Everyone traveled carefully to not wake them. The outside was even colder than inside. The magicians didn't want the prisoners to freeze to death before living out their sentences. That would be too satisfying.

"Everybody head to the portal," Zia shouted, though none of the demigods knew it was her. The magicians of Brooklyn House had hoodies covering their faces. But Annabeth didn't miss the familiar sound of her voice.

Demigods began to jump through the swirling tornado of sand. The magicians followed behind. They landed on the roof of the Twenty First Nome. Carter walked forward to face his now allies. "Welcome to Brooklyn House!"

Percy smiled at his friend. "First, you put us in cells. Now you're inviting us to your home. I have no words to describe you, my friend," he said in a playful manner.

Carter smiled back. Percy reminded him so much of Sadie. The both of them have a special way of showing affection. "Well, I should probably show you your rooms," he said.

"We can hardly fit on the roof. How would you have rooms for all of us?" Leo questioned.

"Magic," Carter said simply with a shrug.


"Chiron! Chiron!"

Juniper, Grover, and Calyspo came running to the Big House. "They're okay," Calyspo said out of breath. She held up a piece of parchment with a message. A curly haired Hispanic boy appeared in an image.

"Hey guys. We're free from our ice imprisonment, but we won't be coming back to camp yet. We have to stop the rebels. Don't know how long it will take though. So yeah. We promise to hurry this up as quickly as possible. And don't worry about us. Everything is okay...besides the fact that it's not. Goodbye," Leo said awkwardly. Calypso smiled to herself at her boyfriend's strangeness.

The four of them hear a loud sigh in the back and Leo is pushed out of the image. Piper replaced his spot. "Sorry for Leo. Carter and magicians of the Twenty First Nome rescued us. We are currently staying in their home, working on a plan to stop the rebels. If they come by to ask you where we are, tell them nothing. We need to stay hidden. We'll contact you when everything is done," she said. The image went blank.

"There has to be something we can do," Grover said.

"Do as they asked us. Wait patiently," Chiron said full of hope.


Dimitri paced in silent anger. All his followers stayed a fair distance from him. Only Anna dared to be even a few feet away from him. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"Nothing. I will handle it. Leave me," Dimitri ordered.

They all left the room quickly. Only Sadie and Dimitri were left in the room. "Carter acted faster than I thought. He's finally getting some confidence," he muttered.

Sadie smirked from across the room. "I'm as shocked as you," she said. "So are you going to call Carter over to beat me in front of him or tell him that you did?"

Dimitri looked at Sadie for awhile. "No. I do think you would be of use though," he said mischievously.

Can I Trust You? (Kane Chronicles & Percy Jackson Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now