Big Trouble Part 1

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"So you ready for tour?" Daniel asked while we we're in the car. "Sure." I smiled. We got to school. "Hey Cat, Hey Mario." I smiled. Cat hugged me. "I'm gonna miss you." She cried. "I'm gonna miss you too!" I cried. We walked to class and Mario and Daniel we're walking be hide us. "Cat guess what!" I said so only Cat can hear. "What?" She asked in the same voice. "I got Geo's number!" I smiled. "No way!" She smiled. "Yes way!" I smiled back.

I got to 7th period. "So your leaving?" Geo asked a little sad. "Ya but I'll be back soon." I smiled.
"Well I hope you have fun." He smiled and hugged me. "Hey you too." I laughed and hugged him back. They called me down. "Cam is here to pick us up." Daniel smiled. He knew I missed all them. Cam pulled up to our school. "CAMERON!!" I yelled. I ran up to him. "Hey Lily how's school? Any fights?" Cameron asked. "It's ok and no fights." I smiled. "Good." He smiled. "Hey Daniel." Cam smiled. "Hey." Daniel smiled back. I got in the front. "Where are we going first?" I asked. "We are all going to Blake's hometown first." Cam said as his eyes were on the road.

We got to the airport. "I don't wanna sit by the window!" I said. "OK." They laughed. I could never trust them. I got my ticket first as saw it was the middle. Thank God. I ran to my stop and saw I was sitting next to someone that looked like someone. "Hello." I smiled. They looked at me. "Hello." He smiled. I sat down. "I'm Lily. What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Jovani." He smiled. That's where he's from! "OMG!" I smiled. "What?" He asked. "Your from 99GoonSquad! Your my favorite twin." I blushed. "Awe but you look like I know you." He laughed. "Ya well I'm Lily Skye. Daniel Skye's little sister. I am also known as Buttercup Lily." I smiled. "OMG! I'm a fan of you!" He laughed. Julian came up out of no where. "Hey Jovani. Who's this?" He asked. I turned around. "Julian this is Lily Skye. Or as we know her Buttercup Lily." Jovani said. "OMG! I'm a huge fan!" He smiled. "I love you and all your videos!" He smiled. "Hey back off man she already said I was her favorite twin." Jovani laughed and put his arm over me. "What are you doing on the plane anyways?" I asked while Julian sat down. "We are going on tour. Our first stop is Texas in 2 days." Julian said. "Who are you going on tour with?" I asked. "Um each other, Geo, Mario, and Jonas." Jovani said. "Wait as in Juwany Roman? And Mario Selman??"
I asked shocked. "Ya.... You know them?" Julian asked. "I goto school with them! Mario doesn't like Geo!" I said a little scared. "Oh no." Jovani and Julian said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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