"What happened?"

Calum stared at the boy for a bit, slightly surprised by how calm he seemed. Surely he had to remember something of what happened? Maybe being captured? Or at least something with the humans?

"You- you were taken, by werewolf-hunters. They tried to kill you and you've been unconscious for some days, if not a week." Calum mumbled, staring at the other sadly. The green eyed boy widened his eyes, the dots connecting and the story starting to make sense. "W-what?"

The Beta furrowed his eyebrows, one of his hands caressing the other's cheek. "You don't remember anything?"

Michael looked troubled, blinking a few times before answering the other. "I remembered our conversation about my progress. I then somehow convinced myself of the stupid idea catching a bunny would mean something, so I went to do that first thing in the morning. But after that... I- Did I have a panic attack?"

Calum shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed together sadly. "Not that we know off. Ashton and I went out to look for you, but we smelled humans. They left a scent that erased theirs and threw us off track. They had taken you."

"But... How did you guys find me? Where was I? Why can't I remember that?" Michael rambled, looking at the other with worry.

"Valeria suspected she knew who was behind it and took us. We split up and Valeria and I found you. They- they- they had you chained to a wall and were inserting fluid silver into your body, killing you from the inside." Calum said lowly, tears burning at his eyes again as his throat felt dry. "I took you home but you've been unconscious for some days, looking pale and lifeless, as if you were on the brink of death." Calum was barely able to utter the last words, facing the other sadly. "I was so afraid of losing you."

Michael felt the Beta's sadness in his own body, mixing with his own sadness. How could this all have happened?

"But, it's- it's in the past. You're awake now and I'm not letting you do anything stupid again." Calum mumbled, moving his face back to the other's neck, enjoying the moment. He was so happy and he didn't really care about anything else. Michael however, was still slightly confused. Because silver killed werewolves. He had been out for some days. Yet here he was, alive and well and almost (dare he say it) feeling better than ever.

"I guess." Michael mumbled, rubbing the other's back. Just then, the youngest one's stomach grumbled, making Calum laugh and Michael blush lightly, until he saw Calum's face. The way his lips were stretched in a smile, the familiar crinkles at his eyes as he laughed cutely. Michael could watch that all day.

"I'm sorry." Calum mumbled, wiping away his non-existent laughing tears, before taking one of Michael's hands in his own. "Shall we go get some breakfast then?"

"More like brunch with how late it's getting." Michael mumbled, eyeing his alarm clock again. Calum simply smiled, before shrugging. "Food. But first, we forgot something."

Michael looked at the Beta in confusion, his eyebrows raised lightly. "What?"

"This." Calum mumbled, before leaning forward and pressing a short and sweet kiss to the boy's lips, smiling widely. "My good morning-kiss."

The younger one grinned, pressing a quick kiss to the other's lips as well, biting his lower lip as he took in the other's surprised face. "That was mine. Now let's go get some food."

Calum hummed, getting up slowly and stretching all his sore limbs. Michael sat up, groaning at his heavy body and head, having to struggle to actually keep his eyes open as he did. Calum noticed, frowning worriedly. "You okay?"

Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]Where stories live. Discover now