Chapter Two.

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May's POV.

I watched everybody in the school halls; talk, laughing, joking around, and every other thing.

They call me a freak, because I've claimed everybody was going to get killed in the future; which we're living in right now.

The bell rang for last period, and all the kids scurried away from their group of friends and we all walked away to our next class; mine math.

I pulled my plain grey v neck t shirt over my black skinny jeans, then fixed my black beanie. I threw my black jansport backpack over my shoulder and looked straight ahead as I walked to my last class, ignoring the snickering and stares.

I made it to Mr. Reidy seventh hour class and I walked to my desk. I sat between four boys, one in front of me, one in back of me, one on my left side, and one of my right side. Usually, they reek of cologne.

I felt my jeans sag as I sat down, probably revealing my white underwear, but my shirt was covering it, so nobody saw, so I ignored the feeling of my pants sagging.

The four boys that sits next to me came into the classroom, and walked over to their desks and plopped beside me.

"What's up, future girl?" one of them snickered but I ignored them as I rolled my eyes.

Two minutes later, the bell rang and seventh hour began.


"Dad?" I said as I entered the house. My dad was an alcoholic, he wasn't abusive, he was just lazy. He sometimes cried to me about it and it's sad, I wish I can help him ever since mum got put into that asylum for being accused of skinny five men.

"May." I heard him greet after I called his name.

"Want me to cook dinner?" I asked as I threw my black backpack onto the floor.

"Sure." I heard him say.

I walked into the kitchen, scanning my eyes as I saw empty beer bottles. I sighed, took them all and threw them into a garbage bag.

I threw the garbage bag onto the ground, saving it for later to put into the trash barrel, and looked in the refrigerator.

Hm, gotta go shopping soon.

I pulled out bacon, tomato, mayo, and bread. I guess I could just do a simple BLT for dinner.

I threw four pieces of bacon into the microwave, and when it beeped, I took them out, placed two on each slice of bread-two for my dad and I each.

I threw on one slice of tomato, then spread some mayo onto the slice of bread, placing it lightly on the tomato.

I grabbed my dads dish and walked into the living room.

"Is BLT alright?" I asked as I handed it to him.

"Yes, thank you." He took another sip of beer then placed it down and ate the sandwhich as he watched the football game.

I walked back into the kitchen, grabbing a Dr. Pepper and my own BLT sandwhich and ran upstairs into my room.

I shut the door then plopped onto my bed, looking at my pictures of my old childhood.

One of them was my dad and mum, we were happy then, and the other was an old best friend of mine, Harry. Three years after I moved, my family started to tear apart, my mother was accused of skinning five men so she got put into an asylum, then my father started to have depression, then became an alcoholic.

I can't believe how all of my life is gone.

Harry's POV

I sat in my white plain room, it was small and it was midnight. I heard nothing but silence, maybe hearing a few sounds in the room like clicks,but it was still silent.

I had a check up in a while, so I'm waiting. All I do is wait all day anyways. Waiting to be free. And this was the day I'm planning to be free.

I started hearing whispers in the room, which startled me but I relaxed. I knew they were talking to me but I ignored them, this happens every night and it always causes me to jump a little.

The whispers stopped as I heard the door handle jiggle. I stared at the door, getting ready for my plan.

"Okay, Harry-" the middle age began to say but I punched him in the back of the head, knocking him out. I looked behind me, making sure nobody saw what happened. I dragged the man under the bed and I took his ID asylum card so I can open the doors.

I quietly closed the door shut and I stood in the middle of the hallways. I got closer to the walls, matching my white, ugly uniform as I quickly walked, bending down a bit.

I kept looking in the other rooms, people either sleeping, staring, or having mental breakdowns.

I was about to look away from the rooms, to focus on escaping, until one middle age woman who looked around 40.

I stopped walking, and I stared at her as she stared back. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess.

She kept staring at me until she spoke up, dryly, "Go save my little girl, Harry. It's up to you," she blinked. "Good luck."

I stared until I broke eye contact, continuing on breaking my way out of here, with many thoughts in my head.

Who was she? How does she know my name? What does she want? Who's her 'little girl'?

And more importantly,

How did she know me?


Chapter two! :D Okay so, idk if I should give the details on Harry escaping the asylum, like drama and a lot of running. Please comment and vote also follow :) May on the side bar :D

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