We're Not Children, Mimi!

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Inspired By: Uh... Oblivion Tale... I don't know what else you were expecting me to say...

Asylum basically crawled up the steep mountain, then looked behind him to see his followers glaring at him in concern.

"What?! It's steep, okay?!" Asylum yelled to defend himself.

"But we're all fine..." Mimi said as Sari let out a light laugh.

"Shut it, Sari!" Asylum snapped as Sari laughed even more, causing Mimi to stifle a laugh as well.

Asylum rolled his eyes, still walking up the mountain until his little white shoes slipped and he began falling down the mountain.

As he was falling he grabbed Sari's ankle.

Taking Sari with him.

They both stumbled off the mountain and into a river, making it even more rough on their already beaten bodies.

Asylum surfaced quickly, knowing how to swim being a pirate and all...

He glanced around in every direction, searching for Sari.

"Sari?!" He yelled as he saw her surface.

He swam over to her as quick as she possibly could. He clutched his hands onto her armor and swimming her over to the shore.

"Damn it, Sari..." He muttered under his breath, pulling her helmet off.

He placed his head against her chest, checking for a breathing pattern. There was one, but a second later he was back in the lake.

He came up with an annoyed face to find the female Orc maniacally laughing.

"Sari!" He yelled in anger as he quickly ran out of the water and tackled the Orc into the water.

They were both laughing, shoving each other over and knocking each other off balance.

Asylum smiled and jumped on Sari's back, climbing onto her shoulders and leaning over her head and planting a kiss on her lips.

She went straight faced as Asylum went quiet.

Then she grabbed his legs and flipped him back into the water.

He surfaced with an annoyed look on his face... Again... For the second time.

She laughed again, him pushing her back.

"You look like a couple of five-year-olds!" They both heard Mimi yell from the beach.

"We're not children, Mimi!" Sari yelled as Asylum laughed.

"Can it, Weaver!" She yelled.

"Make me, Orc!" He yelled as she picked him up and threw him out into the river farther.


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