Chapter 3 - VMA's (Part 2)

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Hey guys! Im sorry I couldn't update! But here I am now! Enjoy :)


Niall's POV 

First we went inside and met some celebrities and spoke to them. The show was starting. Demi came on stage and started performing 'Give Your Heart A Break'.  She looked so pretty! She looked even prettier in real life!


The show finished but I still I didn't get to see her. We were now heading to the after party. The first person I saw was Justin Bieber. I talked to him for a while until I spotted Demi.

"Justin, I'll be right back!" I told him and walked to Demi.

I saw her standing in a beautiful black dress talking to Selena Gomez. Suddenly Selena told Demi something and walked away.

"Hi Demi!" I said to her.

"Niall! Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed, hugging me.

It felt like me heart had stopped beating. I can't explain how happy I felt when Demi hugged me.

Demi's POV

I was supposed to sing today. I went backstage and got ready.

When I walked on stage I was so nervous. I looked around the crowd and saw Niall. I smiled and began singing.

When I finished, everybody was clapping for me. I walked off stage and went to the after party after the show got over.


I never really got a chance to meet Niall. I know I'll meet him here at the after party. I was talking to my old best friend Selena. I missed her so much.

"Okay, Bye Demi I'll catch up with you later." She said hugging me.

"Bye Selena." I hugged back 

She walked away to Justin Bieber, her boyfriend. She's so lucky she has a boyfriend who cares so much for her. I wish I had a boyfriend like she does.

"Hi Demi!" Niall said.

"Niall! Oh my gosh!" I said and hugged him.

He is actually so cute. His dirty blonde hair looks so nice with his crystal blue eyes.

"Demi!'' Niall said waving his hand in front of my face.

''What?" I said. 

"You zoned out. Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to come for a date with me tommorow night. Would you?" He asked me/

"Yeah! Sure!" I said. I was actually really looking forward to this.

I met his bandmates and all of them were really sweet. It was getting late so I said goodbye to all of them. Then I went and said goodbye to Selena, Justin, Miley, Taylor and some other of my friends.


Hi! I know this was short and bad but I promise the next chapter would be longer and better. 

So they finally met. I added a bit of Selena Gomez in this chapter. I know that Selena and Demi are not friends anymore but just imagine for the story's sake!

Next chapter is 'The Date'.


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