Movies, play, news

Start from the beginning

“Plleeeaaassseeee,” I begged, pouting and fluttering my eyelashes overdramatically.

He shook his head, smiling. “Fine. Just stop with the eyelash thing. It’s kind of creepy.”

I laughed. “No problem Studs.”


Kayla, Damon, and I were lounging on the floor, backs against the couch, muggle junk food all around us. Sirius walked in to our quarters and frowned. “…Moony what are they doing?”

Remus , who was sitting on the couch behind us, shrugged. “They just barged in and plopped down with some DVD player thing.”

“We’re having a mega-muggle-movie-marathon!” Kayla yelled, high-fiving me.

“Mega-muggle-movie-marathon? Can I watch?”

I nodded and Sirius jumped over us, next to Moony. “So, what’re we watching?”

“Johnny Depp.” Kayla sighed. “Lots and lots of Johnny Depp.”

“Sweeny Todd, Alice in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory…” I named off, laughing as Padfoot’s eyes lit up on the word ‘pirates,’ and Moony’s lit up on the word ‘chocolate.’

By the end of the night, Sirius was convinced that he was Johnny Depp and should abandon his job to be a pirate, Remus was looking up spells to re-create Wonka’s chocolate waterfall, and Kayla was convinced that Snape was the evil judge in Sweeny Todd. The later assumption led to a fight between Sirius and Kayla over whether or not Snape could sing, then Sirius realized that in the movie Snape ruined his life (since apparently being Mr. Depp means living out all his roles), and he had to be physically restrained by Remus to keep him from charging Snape’s office. Sirius then ordered Moony to ‘walk the plank because Johnny rules all!’ and pushed Remus off the couch. Remus tackled Sirius, tipping the couch over backwards and breaking it, which led to various house elves popping up and lecturing the two on breaking things while cooing over me because I couldn’t help but hug the little guys. Kayla and Damon left at about two in the morning, the former vowing to have another movie night next week, and the later muttering under his breath ‘never again, never again, never again.’ All in all, it was a very successful night.

“…You know,” I said to the guys, sitting on the floor where the couch used to be. “That chant they used in Alice and Wonderland, ‘down with the bloody big head,’ would work well for Umbridge..Down with the bloody pink toad!”

The two men glared at each other, apparently still to miffed about the couch incident to share a mutual laugh at my amazing wit. Pricks.

(Author’s note: The guy who plays the evil judge also plays the character of Snape in hp movies. Also, I’ve always thought Johnny Depp would make a great Sirius Black :))


Harry looked up from his plate at the weekly family dinner. “…Hey guys?..How come you don’t have a couch anymore?”

No one answered. Though Rika might have if she could stop laughing.


It was breakfast, Halloween day, and everyone was happily eating and drinking, when Dumbledore stood up, clearing his majestic throat. All eyes turned to him. “In the spirit of the season, a few of our students have decided to put on a play. Let us give them are semi-undivided attention!”

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