A Broken Blade (A Mikasa Fanfiction)

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"Hey you! What the hell is your name?"

"Corey Moore sir! I come from Southern Wall Maria District Shiganshina sir."

"Your name makes you sound like a pussy! At least your appearance proves that wrong. Do you have any blind friends?"

"....no sir?"

"Because they all think you're a little girl. Next! What the hell is your name?"

I breathed in as soon as that demon stepped away from me. I turned to see that psychopath man yell at these new recruits.

After everyone was done introducing themselves, we all went to the cafeteria to get our dinner. I wait in line to get my food. After about a minute or two, I am close enough to grab a tray. I get a fork and a cup of water. I fill my tray with meats and bread. I leave the serving area and look for someone that I knew.

A familiar freckled face pops up. I study it more carefully, it's Tyler Michael! One of my best childhood friends. I walk up to him and see another famiilar face with glasses, Michelle Randall. She was also one of my best friends.

We make eye contact and her eyes widen. She smiles and points at me, and Tyler's face points in my direction. He smiles like a maniac and I walk towards them.

"Hey guys! I haven't seen you guys in forever." I say.

I sit down across from them and we go deep into conversation; how we've been, what we've been doing, and all that junk people say when they haven't seen each other in five million years.

I finish my dinner and Michelle invites us to go hang out in her room. There should be 4 girls in each room, but in her room there are only 3. Tyler and I can sneak in. We make plans and eventually we come up with the laziest answer; climbing in the window.

We sneak around the house and wait to hear a knock from a window. This way we know which room is Michelle's. We look through the lighted windows waiting to see a shadow of a fist bang against the door. A few seconds later I hear a knock, and I look to my left. A window starts to open and I see Michelle's bright face. "Come on in!"

I pick Tyler up by his feet and Michelle grabs his arms, pulling him up. I jump as far as I can and after several tries, Michelle and Tyler finally grab a hold of me. I use my feet to kick myself up. As I climb in the window, I fall over onto the ground laughing. I look up and I see a girl, her hair long and black and she has pale skin. Her brown eyes stare at me for a little bit, and then she looks up at Tyler, then Michelle, and back to me. She goes back to drawing whatever she was drawing.

"I snuck a drink from Hannes, he obviously didn't notice since he had so much of it." Michelle says as she pulls the drink out from under the bed.

"Nice." Tyler says and Michelle jokingly does a curtsey.

"Thank you." She takes the bottle and chugs it down, then swallows three times. She shakes her head sideways in excitement, her black hair shaking everywhere, and said, "Woo!"

She passes it to Tyler and he drinks a lot of it. His eyes widen as he passes the bottle to me. "You gotta try this, it's so strong."

I grab it and close my eyes as I gulp it down, leaving barely any left. I swallow hard and it burns my throat, but it feels amazing.

Michelle's drunkiness starts to kick in, although it's not as much as Tyler and I. Tyler stands up and starts thrusting into the air.

Another girl walks in the room, her brown hair in a ponytail and her bangs hang down her forehead. She's holding a bucket full of potatoes.

"Michelle! I thought you said you wouldn't bring anyone in here without our permission! Especially not boys!"

"Whatever Sasha, no one cares, why don't you, you just go be your fat self and drink your potatoes." Michelle slurs.

"Ugh, you're drunk, too?" She complains. She looks at the girl drawing and says, "At least you're not drunk." She carries her barrel of potatoes up the ladder into her top bunk. I hear her gobbling them down.

I attempt to stand up, but I fall over. I try again and this time I succeed. I make my way towards the drawing girl, looking up and down her body. I'm not sure what I'm doing, I'm just doing what ever I'm doing.

"W-what's your name....?" I ask her.

"I don't feel it's safe to tell you." She mutters.

"Oh come onnnnn.... My names Corey Moore. Now tell me your name." I say.

"Please leave me alone." she orders.

I pick up her drawing and see it's of her and two adults, one asian and one caucasian.

"Tell me your name or this goes." I demand.

"Asami... Asami Yoshida." She tells me.

I put her drawing back down and put my hand on her kneecap. "You saved your drawing... I wonder if you can save yourself." My hand travels up her leg. She slaps my hand off and stands up. She takes her drawing and leaves the room. She left behind a red scarf, I grab it and wrap it around my neck. I close my eyes and fall asleep, dreaming about cabbage.

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