10| Psychokinesis*

Start from the beginning

I wasn't very good with casting spells, despite the power I held inside of me, only because I haven't practiced and I stayed with the white witches of New Orleans than the black voodoo queens. It was a choice my parents made for me when I was a kid, but I visited my grams and her people regularly, so all was good.

"Come on!" I whispered to Harry, making him turn around with a grin and follow me into the dark empty park.

The moon was shining its brightly slivery light as Harry and I strolled down the path, laughing over meaningless random things. We were a bit drunk. We had shared about a bottle of wine in that restaurant, which sucked for me because I got drunk quite easily. Harry was still a bit grounded, but he was more open and giggly once he got some alcohol in his system.

"Y'know Zeus walked in on me once fucking this random chick once," Harry began laughing hysterically. "He barked so loud, the girl got shit scared and fell off the bed!"

"Oh my god," I cried with laughter, clutching my stomach. "Nymeria did the same thing!"

"No way!"

"Way! She bit the guy because she thought he was hurting me, but he wasn't!"

"Oh shit!" Harry laughed incredibly loudly, making my eyes widen and my hand clamp down on his mouth. "Oops, sorry," he giggled.

"Let's find a place to sit," I suggested, taking him to my favorite spot in the park.

It was on top of a grassy hill that gave a beautiful view of the whole park. On top of it there was a huge oak tree, lifting its branches up to the sky as if its very presence was enough to beat back the darkness. As I approached it, I took one hand and leaned against the ancient oak, my fingertips gripping into the cervices that ran through the bark.

"This city is amazing," Harry spoke breathlessly, his wide eyes gazing over the lovely sight of the park, and the city beyond it.

"It is," I nodded in agreement, standing next to him as I pulled my jacket tighter around me. "Are you staying for long?" I asked him quietly, shoving down the strange emotions I was feeling as I waited for his response.

"I'm not sure. A few months for sure, but after that I guess I'll see," he gave me a soft smile, his eyes gazing into mine deeply.

His smile caused my heart to flutter a little, my own smile making an appearance before something snapped inside of me and I looked away. He noticed this, biting the inside of his cheek before he turned his head back to gaze at the scenery. I tried to ignore the certain swirl of emotions deep within me as I turned away to walk back to the tree.

I couldn't describe what I was feeling, but I knew it was the result of spending the night with Harry, getting to know him and all that. Part of me wished I didn't agree to this 'hang-out' thing, but the other part of me is literally shoving me to go out with him more often.

I was caught off-guard when his fingers suddenly wrapped themselves around my wrist and tugged me. My body moved, pressing against his as his arm wrapped around my torso with one hand pressed against my cheek lightly. My lips were parted in slight surprise at his sudden actions, hands coming up to grip his waist as his gaze flickered to my lips.

"Harry," I whispered unintentionally, too caught up with studying his exquisite features as his gaze burned into me.

"Sage," he murmured back, lips parting when my thumb pulled at his lower lip, before feeling the smooth curve.

My gaze darted up again; meeting his with such intensity it was hard to look away. My eyes fluttered shut when he finally pressed his lips against mine, the kiss slow and sensual unlike any of our usual quick rough ones. His hot tongue dragged lazily along my bottom lip, getting me to open my mouth for his tongue to meet mine. Once it did, my body flushed with heat, fingers fisting his t-shirt as I tilted my head to the side slowly and pushed my tongue deeper into his mouth.

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