A new beging (Final)

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9 hours later
"What.... What happened to me and where am I" Snowflake said as he woke up and looked around
"O, Prince Snowflake your wake, you passed out in front of Princess Twilight's castle" the nurse said
"But what is this place and why dose my body feel pain when I try to move" Snowflake said
"You in a hospital, your in pain because you ran in a burning house to rescue a mare's young colt and jump through a window from the second floor without using your wings" The nurse said
"Is he alright" Snowflake said
"He is, you healed him and the only thing he needs is some rest" the nurse said
"That a relief" Snowflake said   
"Your mother is here to see you and your family too" the nurse said
"My mother is here....wait you mean Prince Celestia" Snowflake
"Yes, from what I can see from your papers it saids that your mother is Celestia" the nurse said as she showed him his papers on her clipboard
"So Would you like them to come in" the nurse said
"Yes" Snowflake said
But just then Princess Celestia came in with Blue on her back and Twilight and Flash and dusk came running after her
"Why in the name of Equsetira, were you think" Celestia said as she went full on mother mode
"I was just trying to help" Snowflake said looking away from Celestia
"But that else your live" Celestia said
"And now, can somepony heal me" Snowflake said
"Sure" Twilight said as she active her horn
Twilight heal Snowflake and he got up from the bed and toke off his bandages, but was stop
"You can leave now, we have to pay first" Flash said
"I complete forgot" Celestia said
Everypony looked at Snowflake
"What?" Snowflake said not knowing why they are looking at him
"Well, your the one who was in the hospital and you have to pay for it" Celestia said
"Your right, I will" Snowflake said as he mad a bag of bits appeared and gave it to the pony at the front desk
And they left
Outside of the hospital
When they got out of the hospital and went through town no pony was running away and scream from him. They were being normal, until a big group of photographers and journalists came surrounding Snowflake and they were take pictures of him and asking him questions
Snowflake felt uncomfortable, but happy at the same, ponies were talking to him and answered their questions and after they were done Snowflake notice that Celestia, Twilight, Flash and Dusk were done. Snowflake hurried back to Twilights's castle
When he opened the door, it was dark in side and he walked in and closed the door behind him and then bam, the lights turned on, and party canons went off
"Happy Birthday Snowflake" Everypony shouted
"Wh.what?" Snowflake said surprised, looking at Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Flurry, Light, Shining, Flash and Dusk
"It your birthday Snowflake" Celestia said
"It is" Snowflake said
"Yes, when Princess Celestia told me that it was your birthday today I quickly asked one of my friends to set up everything, but in the end she did it and you can guess she is the best party planer" Twilight said
"Wow, thank you so much I love it, but I can't believe I forgot my own birthday" Snowflake said
Everypony laughed
"Come on let's party" Dusk said as he fired another party canon
And they did, Everypony was having a great time and this party was the best party Snowflake ever had
"Now it's time to cut the cake everypony" Celestia said as she placed a cake on the table
"Is it mint" Snowflake asked
"Yes" Celestia said
Everypony gatherer around the table and sang
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Snowflake, happy birthday to you"
"Now make a wish" Luna said
Snowflake closed his eye and made a wish and blow out the candles
"What did you wish for" Dusk said
"I wish for a happy life" Snowflake
"Do you think it well come true" Dusk asked
"It already is" Snowflake said smiling at Dusk
"Now let's eat some cake" Flash said as he and Shining armor started cutting the cake and giving them to Everypony
"Now that you are 20, when can I expect any grand babies" Celestia asked looking at Snowflake
Snowflake choked on a piece of cake when Celestia asked him the question
Dusk gave him a glass of water and he drink it
"Wh..what!" Snowflake said in surprised
"I said when can I expect any grand babies" Celestia said as toke a piece of cake
"But, why" Snowflake as his face turned red
"Well, it's every mothers dream have their child to have babies" Celestia said
"You and my really mother really want me to marefriend to have a baby" Snowflake said looking at Celestia
"Well it's not hard asking out a mare" Flash said
"Yeah" Shining armor said
Twilight and Cadence both gave them the stare
"What I mean to say that you will find the right mare" Flash said nerveosliy look at them
"Right" Shining said scared for his life
"From what I have been told Twilight had a crush on this other world Flash" Snowflake said looking at them
"Who told you that" the both said
"Dusk" Snowflake said
"Just forget what he told you, okay" Twilight said
"Let's play some games" Flash said
The whole night was the best they party and talk and had fun
I will be writing a new story because Prince Snowflake flare story is coming to a end, their will be a other story about Snowflake, but this one will be a love story, okay and plz plz show your support and their will be more Saorburn chapters coming next week
Bye you guy✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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