Snowflake's return: Part 2

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"It can't be real" Flurry said
"Let's leave and you can put me down now, sis" Dusk said
"Okay" Light said putting her little brother down
"Dusk is right, let's leave this room creeps me out" Flurry said
As they left the room and went back to the party, until 2 hour later their parents came to them with Luna
"Light shine, Dusk shine, Flurry heart" said the 5 ponies
"We have a game you kids" Flash said
"A Treasure hunt" Cadence said
"And you all have to work together as a team" Shining said
"But what are we looking for" Dusk said wondering
"A crystal tablet" Luna said
"Did.... You a say tablet" Flurry said nervously looking at Light and Dusk
"Yes, why" Luna said wonderingly
"What dose this crystal tablet look like" Dusk said nervously
"Good question, here let me show you" Luna said lighting up her horn
Luna made a image of the crystal tablet appear in front of Flurry and light and Dusk
This crystal tablet is actually a Relic that was a made by Starswirl the bearded and my sister many year ago and it was made to seal thing away, and now look at the front of the tablet it has these symbols on it which will make it easy to notices, but it some where hidden in the castle where I don't even know, so you have 2 hour find it" Luna said
The 3 ponies were in shock, they were sweating in fear going back to the room
"Is their something wrong, little ones" Luna asked
"No, not is wrong we are just so so very excited to play" Flurry said
"Very well then, let the game begin" Luna said
Flurry, light, and Dusk ran back to the the painting and stopes and looked at it
"Okay, let go get" Dusk said nervously
The 3 went through the painting and and froze in place
"Flurry go get it" Dusk said
"Why me" Flurry said
"Your the older one in this team" Light said
"Your right" Flurry admitted and went on to grab it and came
"Now let's leave and show it to Luna and bring it back here, okay" light said
The 3 ponies ran out of that room and went to find Princess Luna
"Here Dusk you hold it" Flurry said
"Why me" Dusk said
"I got it, you hold it" Flurry said
"Fine" Dusk said grabbing the tablet with his mouth
"You don't have to hold with your mouth just carry it with you magic" Flurry said
"Right" Dusk said embarrassing me taking it out of his mouth and carry the tablet with his magic
Princess Luna and their parents were waiting for them in the garden, so is Celestia
"We found it" light said
"Found what" Celestia said as she turn around to look
"Congra-" Luna stop as her sister step in front of the kids
"You must put that back where you found it and never go back to that room, before any pony gets hurt" Celestia said raising her voice
"Celestia" Twilight said
"What wrong with that relic" Cadence asked
"That relic has a pony sealed inside of it that can destroy all of Equestria" Celestia said
"WHAT" every pony said
Dusk got scared his horn stop glowing and the tablet fell to the ground and broke in half
"O No, every pony inside now" Celestia yelled
As every pony got inside, a big light came from the relic and. faded away and their he laid, Snowflake
"Who is he that" twilight said
"Princess Snowflake flare" Celestia
"He's a alicorn" Flash and Shining both said
" but how" Luna said
"Wait, where is Dusk" Twilight said
"Mom, his over there with him" light said pointing outside the glass door
"Hello" Dusk said poking Snowflake
Snowflake slowly opens his eyes and he see behind the glass door Celestia, didn't notice Dusk next to him
Snowflake got up and started to walk toward Celestia, every pony could tell he was angry
"Celestia" Snowflake shouted as fire appeared around him
Every pony backed away from the door
As Snowflake got closer to the glass door it started to maetl and he walked in to the room
"Well, having a party Princess" Snowflake said, look at Celestia with a mad look
"What do you want Snowflake" Celestia said
"Not looking around, I see their are 4 new Princess and one alicorn Prince" Snowflake said
"You need to leave now" Cadence shouted out. " you are not welcome here" Twilight
Snowflake lit up his horn and turned Twilight and Cadence in to stone
"Now, those two Princess aren't nice at all" SnowFlake said evilly
"You need to turn our wife's back to normal now" Shining and Flash yelled in rage
"Stop this now" Dusk said pulling SnowFlake's tail
Snowflake grabbed Dusk
" so this is the new Prince" Snowflake said
"Don't you dare hurt my son" Flash said as he and Shining were running towards Snowflake
Snowflake stopped them and throw them in the wall with his magic knocking them out cold
"Turn my mommy back to normal" Light shouted with tears in her eye
"Yeah, turn them back now" Flurry screamed
"You brats are annoying" Snowflake said as he turn Flurry and Light to stone
"Snowflake, stops this now, I'm sorry for not telling you and it's not you fault what happened to your town" Celestia said Apology
"No, notting can fix for what I have done, you lied to me and to kept me hidden for all dose years like a bird in a cage and not making a single friend, now I will get my revenge" Snowflake shouted
"Just let Dusk go, he has notting to do with this" Celestia said
"I'm going to keep him, he well be my prisoner" Snowflake said holding on to Dusk
"What, no I don't want to go with monster" Dusk said as he struggled to break free of Snowflake's hooves
"Just go to sleep" Snowflake said angry, put a sleeping spell on Dusk
Celestia toke a few steps toward Snowflake
Not one more step, Princess or else I will set all of Canterlot in flames, you wouldn't want any pony to get hurt now, do you now" Snowflake as he put Dusk on his back
Celestia backed up
"Snowflake this isn't you, what happen to the Snowflake who loved and cared about every pony" Celestia said
"That Snowflake was weak and gullible and believed what you said, I'm not that Snowflake anymore " Snowflake said as he flow away taking Dusk with him
Celestia broke in to tears, Luna went to comfort her sister looking at Snowflake flying away

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