Second chance

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Dusk slowly woke and found he was in a jail cell and Snowflakes was looking at him
In Dusk's head he thought he should be angry at him and scared of him but he wasn't, which was weird for him, he did turn his mom, aunt, sister and cousin in to stone, but at lease his dad and uncle are alright
"So did Celestia turn you in to a alicorn or was it Starswirl" Snowflake said
"Princess Snowflake, Starswirl is dead, and I was born a alicorn" Dusk said
"I thought that old unicorn was alive, well one less pony to deal with" Snowflake said
"Where am I" Dusk said
"My castle and your new home" Snowflake said
Just like that Dusk had an idea, if he can be friends with Snowflake he may turn good again
"So, did you have any friends long ago" Dusk asked
I had two friend, their names were Sliver star and Golden heart, they were good friend of mine they were in the Royal guard, until I killed them that night" Snowflake said as tears started fall from his eyes
"Snowflake your crying" Dusk said as tears started to form in is eyes from the sad story
"I not crying, I can't be, I'm a cold hearted murder" Snowflake said as he tried to wipe the tears but keep coming back
Snowflake walked out of the room and Dusk sat their in the jail cell
Meanwhile at Canterlot
Flash woke up from Shining armor shaking him
"Where is Light and Dusk" Flash said immediatelyas he got up
"Twilight and Cadence and the girls were turn to stone" Celestia said sadly
"But what about Dusk shine" Flash demanded
"Snowflake, toke him" Shining said
"This can't be happen" Flash said as punch the floor in anger
"Don't worry Flash, Snowflake is not that evil to kill a young colt" Celestia said
"But we need to go get him now, he is my son" Flash said
"We can't, their is a big blizzard outside that is covering all of Equestria" Luna said pointing outside
"The storm is very cold, no pony stand this" Celestia said
But lucky for us Ponyvill, Canterlot, and the Crystal empire are the safest place now" Shining said
"Why is that" Flash asked
We put barriers in Ponyvill and Canterlot and with the Crystal heart protecting the Crystal empire, we teleported every pony in Equestria  to theses places from getting cold" Luna said
"But where is my son" Flash said
"He build a castle north-west from here where his town used to be from what Twilight's castle map shown, one guard reported" Celestia
"Can't you just seal him away again" Shining suggested
"I can't do that" Celestia said
"Why not" Flash said
"Snowflake was like a child to me, I raised me and he was always their when I needed it, so sealing him away well just make his anger grow more, he just needs a friend to help him walk the right path" Celestia said
"But what are we going to do about Twilight, Cadence an the girls, Sister" Luna said
"Only Snowflake can free them" Celestia said
Back at Snowflake's castle
Dusk sat in the cell bored and hungry, until Snowflake came back with something
"What is that" Dusk asked
"It's food, I thought you maybe hungry so I made you some vegetables soup" Snowflake said
"Can I come out of the cell" Dusk said
"Fine, but I have my eyes on you" Snowflake said
As he let go Dusk, Snowflake made a table and two chairs appear, so they both sat down
"Here, I may not be the greatest cook ever, but I tried" Snowflake said
Dusk toke a sip of the the soup and it was delicious and he garbled the whole thing down
"That was delicious, I never tasted anything like it" Dusk said smiling
"Really, thanks that means a lot, but" Snowflake said
"But what" Dusk asked
"But why are you being nice and kind to me, I did some bad thing to you, why" Snowflake said
My mom will always tells me, if a pony used to be bad or is bad you can show kindness and always forgive them for what they have done because every pony deserves a second chance" Dusk said
"Your mom must have been a nice pony" Snowflake said looking away from Dusk
"You kinda turned her in to stone, remember" Dusk said
"Yeah.....right I did" Snowflake said shamefully
"So, you don't mind if I have more soup, Prince Snowflake" Dusk said trying to change the subject
"Sure, but you can call me Snowflake, Prince Dusk shine" Snowflake said as he made the pot of soup appeared and pour
Some more for Dusk
"And you can call me Dusk, Snowflake" Dusk
"Snowflake, can I ask you something" Dusk said
"Yeah, what is it" Snowflake said
"How come there is snow over there, and not in around the castle" Dusk said to Snowflake
"Well, their is a big barrier protecting us from any pony who want to get in and we are in the center of the storm" Snowflake said
Snowflake and Dusk were talking and having fun as the day turned in to night and the Blizzard stop all of Equestria was covered in snow, Snowflake felt normal like all the anger were gone

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