The rescue

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Shining armor and Flash were getting ready to go save Dusk from Snowflake's castle
"I can teleport you two in their but I'm not sure if I can get you near the castle" Celestia said
"It's okay, we will find away" Flash said
No, my sister means that their is a barrier protecting the castle and if you touch it, it will warn Snowflake that you are there" Luna said
That's why you need to take this sword , it's a barrier cutter, it well break a hole in the barrier for you to get in with out being notice" Celestia said as she gave the sword to Shining armor
"Thank you, for your help" Flash said kindly
"Your welcome, but do not underestimate Snowflake, you seen what he can do" Celestia said
"We know we will be careful, we are ready to go now" Shining said
"Okay" Celestia said
Celestia teleported them near Snowflake's castle
Snowflake's castle
"So did you go to a public school Snowflake" Dusk asked
"I didn't, I was not allowed to leave the castle so Princess Celestia taught me everything" Snowflake said
"But how would you make any friend, like ponies your age" Dusk said
I couldn't even if I wanted to make friend with other ponies I couldn't and even if a pony wants to be my friend they will find out what I did and think I'm a murder or a monster, like you do" Snowflake said sadly
I don't think your a murder or a monster, well I used too but not anymore your a nice pony and if your were monster why did you feed, a real monster would have done that and that proves your a good pony Snowflake" Dusk said
"Thanks" Snowflake as he smiled
"How about this, do you want to be my friend" Dusk said joyfully
"You want to be friends with me" Snowflake said shyly
"Yeah, your a Prince like me" Dusk said
"I would like that" Snowflake said happily
I want to ask you something and I don't want to make you feel bad but parents tell me not to asked this to any pony older then me, they say it's rude" Dusk said
"Which is" Snowflake wonder
"How old are you, I mean you been sealed away in a relic for 811 year" Dusk said
" well your mom and dad are right that's not right ask any pony older than you their age, but since we are friend I can tell you my age, which has not Change" Snowflake said
"Will, how old are you then" Dusk said curiously
"I'm 19 years old, still" Snowflake said
"Wow, your 19 that means your still a teen" Dusk said amazed
"So, how old are you Dusk" Snowflake said
""I'm only 10" Dusk said
"You in school then, right" Snowflake said
"Yeah, I know you should come to my school" Dusk said
"Why" Snowflake said
"In two weeks, their is a event, which every pony in class have to bring a family member to school for a whole day" Dusk said
"But I'm not part of your family Dusk" Snowflake said
"Yes you are, your part of the royal family" Dusk said
"So do you want to go" Dusk said
"Sure " Snowflake said
"You pinkie promise" Dusk said      "Yes, pinkie promise whatever that means" Snowflake said confused what is a Pinkie
"But" Snowflake said 
"But what" Dusk said
I don't know, after what I have done to Equestria i don't think any pony is going to forgive me" Snowflake said as tear stared to fall
"Just stop the storm then" Dusk said
"How when I still feel anger, sad, betrayed and I started the blizzard, but I'm not controlling it, he is" Snowflake said
"Who is controlling the blizzard" Dusk said
"My evil self is controlling the blizzard" Snowflake said looking up
"Then stop yourself" Dusk said
"I can't Blizzard is to strong and in 2 minutes he well take over my body" Snowflake said
"Blizzard" Dusk said wondering what he said
"That who we are and that's who I am" Snowflake shouted
"Then just kick him out of you mind and forget him, Blizzard is only fled with you anger, just forget it" Dusk said
Snowflake closed his eyes and tried to forget Blizzard, but Blizzard fought back and he was slowly taking over
Snowflake's coat is turning dark blue and his turned a more darker blue and his eye turn bright Blue as the sky
"Dusk, runway from here, I don't want to hurt you, go hurry" Snowflake said as he smuggled to stop Blizzard from taking over his body
"But..." Dusk said scared for what is going to happen
"JUST GO" Snowflake Yelled
Dusk ran out of the room and started to look for the way of of the castle but he could hear Snowflake screaming in pain behind him but slowly the screams turned to evil laughter, which scared Dusk a lot and he ran, then found the main entrance to the castle and their was the door out of here. Dusk ran towards it but the floor came up blocking the door from Dusk. Dusk backed up but he bumped in to some pony
"Snowflake" Dusk said as he was in fear to turn and look
"Wrong" said the pony as he turn Dusk facing him and pinning him against the wall
"Snowflake stop your hurting me" Dusk said as he was be choked
"I'm not Snowflake, I'm Blizzard " Blizzard said with a evil smile
As Dusk felt like he was about to die, he heard a big boom and saw Blizzard flying across the room and he fall to the ground, but he saw two ponies, one of them ran up to him and held him in their hooves, but Dusk slowly gaining his version saw it was his Dad and uncle shining armor
"O thank Celestia your alright, I thought I lost you" Flash said as he hugged is son with tear in his eyes
"I'm fine" Dusk said softly
"Now, let's go" Shining yelled looking at Snowflake getting up
"No, none of you are leaving here alive" Blizzard shouted as he was shouting fire balls at them
But they doge it
"We have no choice to fight" Flash said putting Dusk down
"Yeah, but we have to be careful" Shining shouted
"Stay back, I don't want you get hurt, okay" Flash said
Dusk nodded in responds
The 3 stallion where fighting for a hour, Shining armor and Flash were tried, Blizzard was to strong for even them
"You two are in the Royal guard, this too funny they most let any pony become a guard theses day" Blizzard said as he laughed at them
"Shut up" Shining shouted
"Your just a spoiled brat" Flash shouted
As Flash and Shining armor ran up to hit him but got blown away
"Shining I can't go on, I don't have the strength" Flash said as he tried to get up but fall next to Shining armor
"Me too, he's too strong" Shining said laying on the ground
"I know how about I seal you two away with your wife's and daughters in this Crystal ball" Blizzard said
"You mean they are in there" Shining said
"Yes, back in Canterlot I really sealed them away, I just made fake stone statues of them and gave those statues magic energy to make you all think that they are in there, but I don't want to wasted any time telling you the details, I have 3 other ponies I have to deal with any last word" Blizzard said laughing at them
"I have few word" Dusk said as he slowly walked in front of Blizzard
"Dusk get away" Shining said
"Run away" Flash said
"Yeah, listen to your dad Prince Dusk shine" Blizzard said
"No" Dusk said
"What, go now runaway from here" Flash shouted
"I'm not going, until I defeat you Blizzard" Dusk said
Flash, Shining armor and Blizzard were shocked for what he said

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