The Origin: part 2 (Birthay gift)

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8 years later
"Princess, the Prince wants to speak with you" a royal guard said
"Let him in" Celestia said sitting on her throne and stopping doing paper work
"Princess, I wanted to speak with you about something every, every important that is tomorrow" Snowflake said walking toward Celestia
"Your birthday Snowflake, I know that your birthday is tomorrow and I got you something special for you" Celestia said with a smile on her face
"You do, what is it, what is it, what is it" Snowflake said jumping up and down Excitedly
"I can't tell you it a secret, you will have to see tomorrow Snowflake"Celestia said
"Awww" said Snowflake
"Wait, I forgot to get your birthday candle" Celestia said remembering
"You can just go and buy some"Snowflake suggested
"No, I had this specially made for you, since you melt the candle the on you cake last year remember"Celestia said
"I remember, but I don't understand my magic" Snowflake said look sad
Your magic is special, you can control the weather and the four elements of nature, but you need to control it Snowflake" Celestia said
"But, Celestia if you are going out you think I can come along"Snowflake said
"O, Snowflake I have told you many time before you can not leave the castle ground, you have to stay in the walls of the castle were no pony can see you" Celestia said sadly
"But why, why can't I leave the castle walls, I want to make friend with pony I can play with"Snowflake said a bit angry
"Your magic, you are not really don't have a good control over it and that's why I'm here to help you"Celestia said
"Okay"Snowflake said sadly
"How about this I will give the test after we celebrate your birthday, how dose that sound"Celestia said
"Great, I will be practicing"Snowflake said excitedly
Ok, I will be back, and remember all the test items are in castle's gymnasium, but you may want to ask one of the Pegasus guards to get you two piece of clouds for you the cleaners let the other ones out, okay" Celestia said as she flow off
Snowflake went to find a Pegasus guards to get the pieces of cloud for and he did
Thank for getting the clouds for me, Sliver star and Golden hearth"Snowflake said thanking them
"No problem, Snowflake "Sliver star said
"Oh yeah, tomorrow is your birthday"Golden hearth said
"Yeah, it is"Snowflake said
"So, how old are you going to be"Sliver star asked
"I will be turning 8 years tomorrow" Snowflake sad with joy
"Wow ,your growing up fast "Golden hearth said in surprise
"And one day you may have a mare friend " Sliver star said as he saw the young colt blush
Now, now, leave Snowflake alone we have to go back to our post" Golden hearth said
"Okay, let go" Sliver star said " bye Snowflake" as both guards flow off
"Bye you guys"Snowflake said back to Sliver and Golden
Snowflake went to the castle's gymnasium and stared to practice his magic for the test, this test Is that Snowflake needs to make it snow and rain with the two pieces of clouds, and there is a bowl of water that he must make in to ice and back in to water and move the water around the room in the air, And then earth is that he has to mold a rock in to shapes, fire is that he has to make it and move it around the room, and air he has to make a small tornado And move it cross the room and back and the last thing is to all of in at once.
"Come on, I almost had it, why dose Celestia want me to do all of them at once"Snowflake said getting mad that himself
Snowflake calm down and practice more and more and until he felled sleep not knowing he did
Snowflake woke up in his room and wondering how he got here, so he went out in the hall to find some pony, but no pony was there, so he went running to the throne room and open the door, when he opened the he was surprised
"Wow, thanks every pony"Snowflake said joyfully
Celestia was levitated his cake and placed it in front of him
"Make a wish Snowflake Celestia said smiling
"Okay, but wow what is this candle "Snowflake said
"It's a water stone candle,"Celestia said as she lit it
"Cool, it's glow now"Snowflake said amazed
"Now, blow it out an make a wish"Celestia said
"Okay" as Snowflake blow out the candle
After he blow out the candle, Celestia was cutting the cake and giving it to every guard, meanwhile the guards were give Snowflake presents , he like it a lot when got picture books of Equestria , and sometime he got bits, but he can really use them since he can't leave the castle wall, he just plays with them
"Snowflake, I got you something special for you" Celestia said
"Really, what is it"Snowflake said excitedly
"Here open it"Celestia said as she moved a box wrapped in blue wrapping paper
Snowflake opened it and inside was a egg
"A egg" Snowflake said
"It's not just a egg, it's a Phoenix's egg" Celestia said
"Really, you letting me have my own pet" Snowflake said excitedly
"Yes, but take a good look at the egg" Celestia said as she levitated the egg out of the box and placed it on a pillow
"It's blue" Snowflake said
"Yes, look it hatching" Celestia looking down on the egg
"Really" Snowflake said
As every pony was watching the egg, the broke in half and out came a blue Phoenix
"Wow, it a blue Phoenix" Snowflake said
"And it a boy" Celestia said
"How can you tell" Snowflake wonder
"A male Phoenix will have feathers on the ends of their heads" Celestia said answering his question
"But, Celestia where did you get egg from ?" Snowflake asked
"It Philomena's egg" Celestia said as Philomena appeared and landed on top of Celestia's head
"Thank you, Philomena" Snowflake said
Philomena nods
"What are you going to name him"Celestia said to Snowflake
"Blue" Snowflake said as he picked up Blue
"Then Blue it is" Celestia said
Every pony partied and Snowflake an Blue were playing , then the party was over all the guards went back to their post
Snowflake put Blue on his head and walk up to Celestia
"Celestia can we take my test now you did say after the party we can, please" Snowflake asked
"Alright, let's go to the gymnasiums then" Celestia said
"Can I leave Blue here with Philomena to teach him how to fly" Snowflake asked
"Why not, Philomena would love to help Blue" Celestia said looking at Philomena
"Okay then, Blue you are going to stay here with Philomena, she is going to teach you how to fly, alright" Snowflake said to Blue
Blue tweeted back flapping his small wings with joy
"Okay then, have fun you two" Snowflake said walking with Celestia to the gymnasium
*In the gymnasium*
"Celestia, I want to try it all at once" Snowflake said
"Are you sure" Celestia said worryingly
"Yes" Snowflake said seriously
"Alright, go head" Celestia said
Snowflake lit up his horn and started the test, he stared out alright, make the clouds rain and snow, bending water, earth, fire, but when it came to air, Snowflake struggled he felt so weak, but kept going and a big tornado came around Snowflake
"Snowflake stop ,your done, you did"Celestia shouted, but Snowflake couldn't hear her
Celestia notice a light coming from the middle of the tornado where Snowflake was, and she saw cracks forming on the walls in the gymnasium. Celestia use the Royal Canterlot voice and said"Snowflake stop"
Then the tornado stop in a flash, Celestia look on the floor and saw Snowflake on the ground passed out around water, ice, and fire, rocks in a circle
"He finally did it" Celestia said to herself, but she notice he got his cutie mark, there was a cloud with fire, water and a rock, and a tornado around it.
*2 hour later*
"What happen to me, where am I, my head hurt" Snowflake said a he woke up
"You are in your room, Snowflake and you over did that's why your head hurt"Celestia said in relief that's he is alright
"Well, did I pass" Snowflake said with his hoove on his head
"You did and you got something else too" Celestia said with joy
"What is it" Snowflake said
"Your cutie mark" Celestia said
Snowflake got up from his bed and looked at his flank
"Yeah, I got my cutie mark" Snowflake shouted, but stop when the pain from his head came back
"Now,now take it easy you use up most of your magic, now you need to rest, ok"Celestia said
"Okay, but where blue? "Snowflake asked "look up"Celestia said, pointing up
Snowflake looked up and saw Blue flying
"He's flying, that great" Snowflake said as he slowly fell asleep with Blue watching over him
Celestia walked out of his room and turned off the light
"Good night, Prince Snowflake" said Celestia softly, closing the door

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