Chapter one

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It's been such a long year. So much has happened in so little time. I was reunited with my bestest friend and now me and her and our bestest friend Jessica are together. I graduated in March. I went to my first concert. And now I'm dating Mike Fuentes. Still can't believe it. And he is madly in love with me. Pierce The Veil became my family and we all now live together. But this year also gave us some downs. Mike went to jail. I fell under depression and didn't let anyone help. I will forever dread those moments. But everything came together and we are one happy family.

I woke up to my tummy not being so happy. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was 10 am. I rubbed my eyes and then I felt everything coming up. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I opened the door and hoovered over the toilet. I barfed. I heard someone come in.

"Oh you don't look so good.", Jessica said as she gave me some paper. I sighed and sat by the toilet leaning in the closet door.

"Morning sickness sucks.", I said. She laughs and sits next to me.

"Are you excited?", she said.

"About?", I said.

"The baby.", she said as she touched my tummy. I laughed.

"A little. I'm kinda scared.", I said.

"Why?", she said as she takes my hand. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Well, its my first kid. I don't know what to expect. I'm only 25. Mike is only 28. We don't know much. I don't even know what he'll even say about me being pregnant.", I said. She chuckles.

"Evelin. He'll be the most excited one out of all of us. He's the dad for goodness sake's. You mean the world to him. He's already mention it before.", she said.

"He's talked about it?", I said.

"Yes. It was the day we had the cook out. I guess that was the day you went out for the test. Jaime and Tony brought the Little Fuentes subject up again. Jaime was like "Since I've been hearing Evelin scream for the past weeks. I'm guessing you want little Fuentes?" and Mike laughed. So then Tony was like, "Yeah. I hear it too. Always crying out your name." Then the both mocked you. "Mike oh Mike." We all laughed. Then Mike said," Honestly, I wouldn't mind having a little Fuentes. A Little me or Evelin running around. I would still love Evelin with all my heart. Having a baby shouldn't be a bad thing." And so yeah. He said that.", Jess said.

" Woah. He really said that. ", I said.

"You see. This baby is going to have so much love from all of us. I can already see the boys fighting over who is going to get to hold it next.", she said as she pointed at my tummy. I laughed and looked down to it.

"You hear that little fella. You're not even here yet and we already love you.", I said as I touched it. Jess laughed and walked out. I stood and brushed my teeth. I slipped on some legging and an oversized PTV sweater. I put my hair up in a bun, slipped on my slippers and headed to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes since today was our last day. Finally after 2 weeks, which felt like 2 years, I finally get to see Mike and the boys. How I missed them. I made the pancake mix and started to cook some bacon. I heard a scratching at the back door and I went to see what it was. I opened the door and in slid Danielle's stray cat, Dantle. I laughed and went back to the bacon and pancakes. Dantle followed me and watch me.

"Fine. but you have to leave. Jessy is allergic to you." I said as I gave him a piece of raw bacon. He took it in his mouth and soon left out the door again. I went to close and then Danielle came in.

"Mmmmm I smell bacon.", she said as she peeked her head in the kitchen.

"You are right. I surprised it hasn't made me sick yet.", I said. She laughs and come behind me and stills a strip of bacon. I laugh and she sits on a stool. I finish breakfast and Jessica comes in.

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