Chapter twenty-seven

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"Why can't he wear these green booties? Those are cute.", Jack said. Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian came over to the hospital on the day their tour landed in San Diego. I've been here for about a week and I really want to go home already. Jack brought Bentley some booties up in Europe and wanted to show me.
"Jack neon green booties look weird.", I told him.
"Fine. How about the yellow ones?", he asked.
"Those seem alittle better.", I answered. He chuckled.
"So Mike left when?", Rian asked me.
"He left a few moment after you guys came in. He had to go shower cause oh my god he stank!", I told them. They laughed.
"Well he's been here for a while.", Alex said.
"Well yeah. He's the father.", Zack said. We laughed.

Suddenly, I felt another contraction and this one was alittle more powerful then the other. I groaned and rearranged myself.
"Fuck this one hurts.", I said.
"You ok?", Alex asked. I shook my head.
"Will one of you guys go get the doctor?", I said. Jack nodded and headed for the doctor. Alex, Zack, and Rian stood up.
"What seems to be the problem?", the doctor asked as she came in.
"I got another contraction but this one is way different then the others.", I told her. She grabbed a glove and checked me.
"Oh well there he is. You've finally dilated to where we wanted you. All those pushes we've done have helped. Bentley is coming now.", she said as she took her glove off. I chuckled.
"Really? I'm now officially in labor?", I said. She nodded with a laugh.
"Yes. Officially. I'll get the nurses to come and set up.", she said and walked off. I looked over to the boys.
"Guys. Bentley is coming.", I croaked.
"Holy shit.", Jack said with a chuckle. I laughed.
"Never thought I'd be in the same room as you when that would happened.", Rian said.
"I'll call the guys.", Zack said.  Tears ran down my cheeks and Alex and Jack came beside.
"Tears of joy I hope.", Alex said.
"Oh boy. Yes they are.", I told him. They smiled and kissed my cheeks.

~    ~   ~

A few hours have passed and it was now 8:30 pm. The pain I had earlier grew bigger and I laid on my side hoping it would help. Mike and the guys haven't arrived yet. Alex and the boys stood around on their phones trying not to bug me. Although, Jack did get a video of me when the nurses came by again to check me out and to set up the room. It was real quiet and all you heard was the heartbeats of me and the baby and the conversations and footsteps outside. Alex called my mom and I told her the news. She was so happy and wanted pictures as soon as she could get them. I took deep breaths and heard footsteps outside get louder to the door.
"I didn't miss it did I?", Mike said as he opened the door. I sighed in relief that he was here. They laughed and everyone walked in. Mike came up beside and sat the chair.
"Thank god you're here. If you were to miss it, you would've received a very angry call from me.", I said. You could hear the pain in my voice. Mike laughed and kissed my forehead.
"You smell fresh.", I said. He smiled.
"And you smell of hospital bedsheets.", he told me back. I chuckled.

"We're late cause we were planning something at home for when you come home.", Jess said.
"Yeah. It's a huge surprise.", Jaime said.
"You guys know I hate surprises.", I said as I tried to lay on my back.
"Precisely why we did it.", Vic said. We laughed.
"Well, we better get going. We have a show tomorrow night and we have a lot to prepare for it.", Alex said.
"Awe. Ok kids. Thank you so much for being here and for coming to see me.", I said.
"No problem. As soon as we are done, we are coming to see him.", Jack said. I chuckled as each one came up and kissed my forehead.
"Remember, we agreed on the blue booties.", Jack said. I nodded and he closed the door behind him.
"And now we wait for the real deal.", Vic said.
"Finally.", Mike sighed. We laughed.

It is now 10. I have a pain I cannot bear and I feel like I'm about to burst. Everyone is in their phones waiting to videotape or take pictures of when I was ready to go. Jessica brought the camera to take pictures and record what seemed like the most important day of our gangs life. I sent Danielle off to get me some shaved ice to hopefully help sooth the pain.
I moaned in pain.
"I can't take this anymore.", I cried.
"You're doing great Evelin.", Jaime said. I whined.
"Come. Try to stand up. Doctor said that could help.", he said. He took my hands and I tried to stand up. As soon as I stood up, he let go and I took hold of my tummy.
"Okay. Now let's dance it off.", Jaime said. I stared at Jaime and he gave me a smile. I followed and we both had a idea. He took out his phone and played Hotline Bling by Drake.
"That's it Evelin. Tip toe tip toe.", he said. I chuckled and tried my best dance like Drake to get this contraction out of the way. Everyone was laughing and Jessica recorded. Danielle came in and laughed. She took video on my phone and shared it with everyone. As the song ended, I sat down and laid on my back.
Danielle handed me a cup of ice and I ate a spoonful and sat it down.
"I hear laughter. We all good.", the doctor said as he came in.
"Just alittle moving to help thing ease up.", I said. She laughed and quickly checked me.
"Well whatever you did it worked cause Bentley is right where I want him. You ready to give your final pushes?", she said. I took a deep breath.
"So ready doctor.", I said. She chuckled and set everything up. Mike and Tony stood each beside me and took my hand. Vic, Danielle, Jessica and Erin stood in front to take video.
"Ok. Is this who you want in the room?", the doctor said. I nodded. She nodded back and put some gloves on. The nurses arranged my legs up for easier passage.
"Oh Kellin's face timing me.", Vic said.
"So is Austin.", Jaime said.
"Great more people to see my vagina.", I said. They laughed.
"Hey am I late?", Kellin said as Vic answered.
"No. She is just about to start.", Vic told him. He flipped the camera toward me.
"Alright. Come on Evelin. I know you can do this.", he shouted through the phone. I took deep breaths and gave him a thumbs up. They laughed.
"Is he here yet.", Austin said. "About to be.", Jaime said. He flipped the camera toward me.
"Come On Evelin.", he said.
"Ok. Ready?", the doctor said. I looked at her and Mike and Tony both took my hands.
"Ok. Push on three.", she told me.
"1, 2, 3.", they said. I took a deep breath and gave a big push.
"Come on. Push. Push. Push.", they all shouted. I squeezed Mike and Tony's hand as hard as I could. I groaned and stopped.
"Ok. One more big push.", the doctor said. I took deep breath as I was now experiencing the most painful thing of my life. Unbearable pain ran down my body as I did a second push.
"Come on. You can do this.", everyone was shouting at once. I groaned again and took more deep breaths.
"Evelin, he is literally right there.", the doctor said. I looked down and sure enough I could see Bentley's full set of hair. I gave one more big push and I hit my highest peak of pain.
"Mike you fucking bastard.", I groaned.
"Come on babe. One more push and he's here.", Mike said in a chuckle. I gave my last and final push I could give.
"And here he is.", the doctor said as he handed Bentley to me. She laid him on top of me and the nurses cleared his mouth.
"Does daddy want to do the honors?", she said. Mike smiled and grabbed the scissors and cut the umbilical cord. Soon Bentley's cries filled the room. Everyone had a smile on there face.
"It's ok. Mommy's got you.", I told him. He whimpered and I gave him my finger. The nurses took him for a clean up and his cries grew bigger. They gang followed him to take pictures. I pushed out after birth and the doctors cleaned up the mess. I got to hold Bentley again until it was time for him to go to the nursery.
"He's beautiful Evelin. Hopefully get to see him soon.", Austin said. We said our goodbyes and he hung up.
"Can't wait to meet him. Copeland wants to meet him too.", Kellin said. We waved and soon he hung up. I looked down at Bentley and he was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He had long fingers and toes. And had a small narrow nose like Mike's. He had big round cheeks like mine and a head full of black hair. The nurse took him to the nursery and I was left with my gang.
"Oh my god that was real.", Vic said.
"It looked so painful. I don't know how you did it.", Jaime said.
"Magic.", I said as I waved my hand in front of him. We laughed. The gang left after a few more hours and Mike laid next to me in the hospital bed. Bentley was brought back and he laid in his little crib that they had for him.
"I still can't believe he's here. We made that.", I said. Mike smiled and kissed me.
"I can't wait for parenthood.", he said. I chuckled and kissed again and we soon fell asleep.

One Hundred Sleepless Nights (Sequel to Hell over me Pierce The Veil Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now