Chapter eight

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     "Miss me captain?"

Hearing Pan's sinister voice sent shivers down my spine. But I couldn't look weak in front of Neverland's king. I couldn't let him get to me.

"Well, the boy who never grew up finally decided to show himself." I said confidently.

"Ah yes, do forgive me, Hook." Pan growled maliciously while circling me.

I watched him carefully, studying his every movement.

"So, word has it that you want to make another deal with me? I thought you would have learned your lesson the first time you came around asking for things." Venom dripped from his voice.

"Yes, I am here for a deal and this time I plan on getting what I want." I snarled back.

He just chucked darkly. "This is my island, my game, and that means my rules. So if you want something from me you're going to have to play by the rules."

"Fine boy, we'll do this your way." I grumbled.

I knew that I would never win if I didn't play his little game. He was full of trickery and deceit so I was to be extremely careful.

"Excellent." Pan said with a sinister smile stretched upon his face.

"So about our deal..." I started.

"Ah yes, I understand you are looking for an item with powerful magical abilities. A weapon of revenge. Perfect for a particular crocodile." The boy explained stepping towards me.

"I have heard stories that you posses a vial of the waters of hell. An item used to trap the soul of another." I said seriously.  "It is alway to told that it is in your possession."

Pan's smile darkened. "Well then seem you've come to the right place captain."

With a poof of green smoke, a small vial filled with a black, swirling, liquid was placed in the boys hands.

"What ever happened to dreamshade Captain? You lied to your crew about the true weapon you came here to retrieve." the boy said while examining the bottle.

I chuckled darkly, "That thing is said to be cursed. Don't want my men to abandon their duty as part of the crew."

The boy smirked, "Of course not Captain. We wouldn't want that."

Then he held up the small bottle.

I stared in awe. It was so close. My revenge was so close. But I also knew Pan wasn't going to just give me the vial and let me go. It's never that easy with him.

"Now boy, what do you want in exchange for the vial?" I asked cautiously.

With a grin stretched across his face Pan growled evilly.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked."

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