Chapter seven

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Hook's pov

I growled in frustration. We've been circling this god-forsaken island for almost half the day and the bloody demon boy still hadn't shown himself.

I dreaded coming back to this place. The very place I lost my brother. But I had no choice. I craved revenge over the crocodile who ripped everything away from me.

"Uh...captain, what is we looking for? There's nothin on this damn island." One of my men said with an exhausted voice.

"He'll be here soon. Pan never lets anything go over his pretty little head. We just need to wait."

"Well gentlemen, your wait is over!" A voice called from behind us. "You're looking well captain."

Lifting my sword and swiftly turning around, I was met my a tall boy with a scar on his face. My crew raised their weapons as well. I motioned them to stand down. Then I stepped forward.

"If it isn't Pan's little henchman. Felix, if I can remember correctly." I spat venom dripping from my voice.

"Yes. Speaking of Pan, he wants to have a little chat. Alone." Felix growled smirking at the last word.

Suddenly, I was transported away from my crew and right into the devil boys clutches. He was before me with his signature evil smirk.

"Miss me captain?"

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