Chapter Five

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Pan's pov

     Hook was a fool to come back to my island. I will make him suffer for what he did, but first I was going to have a little fun.

"Boys! Go look after our little guests. Just make sure you're not seen. Came back before dark and tell me what you saw. Now go!"

The boys separated into groups and set off.

"Perfect," I thought with an evil smirk on my face. "Now time to have some fun."

Your pov

The crew split up into three groups to scout the island.

My father turned to give sort of speech I suppose you would call it.

"This my look like any normal island but it is quite the opposite. There are many dangerous creatures that lurk the forest. Some even posses magical abilities so beware.
We're hear for one thing and one thing only. A plant called dreamshade. This plant is covered with thorns drenched with deathly poison. Do not get cut or you will die in a matter of minutes.
There's a boy who is the ruler of Neverland known as Peter Pan. This is no ordinary boy, he will twist your mind and manipulate you. He has a group of "lost boys". Do not underestimate him or his boys they are vicious killers and won't hesitate to kill you. We will have to make a deal with that devil boy to get what we want so be on the lookout."

All the men nodded and started to gather their supplies to journey into the mysterious forests of Neverland.

I started to prepare as well until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N) I want you to say behind on this one." I heard my father say softly.

I turned around and looked at him shocked.

"I'm your second in command! I'm more capable than any of your men!"

Hook sighed, "I know but this place is not what it seems. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Father! I can take care of myself! Just let me go! I'll be with a group."

"Not this time (Y/N)." He replied with a stern face.

"So what I'm I supposed to do? Sit on the ship and do nothing?!" I said raising my voice and hands.

"I'll have Thomas stay with you for company. Please just listen to me. I can't lose you too."

Father now had a sad look on his face, his eyes full of sorrow. I wondered if he was thinking about Milah my step mother who was ripped away from both of us. But the way that he sadly glanced at the island made me second guess who he was talking about.

After all, the who reason why we sailed to Neverland was to collect dreamshade poison to finally get revenge on the crocodile who killed Milah.

My eyes softened and my rage disappeared.

"I will stay if that is what you wish." I said softly.

The pirate looked up and gave me a small smile.

"Just make sure there's no funny business between you and that cabin boy while I'm away."


Time skip

It had been a little bit over an hour since the crew left and it was just Tommy and I on the ship.

"So what do ya what to do now?" Tommy asked.

We had just finished sparing with swords and we're both gross and sweaty.

I smirked.

"Oh god, I know that smile. We're gonna do something that we shouldn't do, aren't we?"

"Yup, get in the row boat, we're gonna go on a little adventure."

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