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"Ma'am, the library will be closing soon. You'll have to start leaving." The librarian told the brunette as she glanced up from her computer, her glasses sliding down her nose.

She apologized with a smile and gathered her stuff to leave, shoving her belongings in and left. Moblit was always onto her for staying organized, but the woman had no time to be organized when she carried a shit ton of stuff for college.

It was cool for a New York evening, Hanji cherished the sunset sky as she dashed across the crosswalk to make the train.

But with her luck, the brunette tripped over the curb and staggered, luckily she didn't fall. She had managed to catch herself. The crowd of people continued to walk on, uncaring as if they just didn't witness a woman about to eat shit. But for the few that did stare at her as she composed herself, hauling the bag over her shoulder, "Carry on!"

Cursing under her breath as she walked down the steps, a shorter male in front of her was occupied listening to music with his AirPods. He was kinda cute now that she had walked past him, Hanji wondered where he was going. She made it a mission to stay behind him, to know more about him. It wasn't creepy, she hoped. The brunette could see a glimpse of his phone, but looked away. She didn't want to be a weirdo.

They had parted ways and she immediately felt displaced, sometimes she got attached too easily to strangers. That was a flaw. But Hanji liked to think it was a hilarious flaw, caring more for strangers than for people you actually knew. The doors flew open and she immediately sat in the corner where no one could sit by her, not unless they were a creep.

People hustled in and out of the train, people going on with their own lives. Some of them were parents, siblings, lovers, children. It was strange to think that everyone had their own life to live. Her mind wandered as the doors closed and only six remained. Four girls, two guys. Hanji visibly relaxed, she felt a little safer with those odds. Sad really, to fear being alone on a train with just guys.

Her eyes glanced down at her bag to take my notebook out, but it wasn't there. 'Did I leave it at the library?' She rustled through her bag attempting to find it. Hanji groaned, she needed it for this upcoming exam on Friday, she needed to pass this to receive her bachelors degree.

"Is this yours?" She looked up and saw her notebook in the hands of someone else.

"Ah, thank you!" The woman laughed, "You just saved my life."

The man from earlier sat in front of her, "What are you in college for?"

She perked up, anything to talk about her studies, "I'm studying to become a surgeon."

His eyebrow raised, "Oh? That's nice, I went to college."

"Oh, what are you studying?"

He leaned back, crossing his legs, "I'm already graduated. I went to cosmetology school, I do red carpet looks and all that."

"Helped anyone that I know of?"

The man pulled his phone out and scrolled through his gallery, "Historia Reiss, the upcoming Queen. Apparently they've heard of me and only wanted the best for her."

"What?! Are you serious?!" Hanji exclaimed, the passengers looking at her as she settled down, "That's amazing."

There was a moment of silence between them as the train stopped. Hanji feared he'd leave, she was enjoying his company.

"What's your name?" He asked once the train began leaving again.

"Hanji, and yours?" She reached her hand out to shake his.


Hanji liked his name, it suited him, "So, where you heading Levi?" She asked. It rolled off her tongue so easily.

"I actually just got off work, I'm heading back to my place."

'Probably lives alone, I didn't see any pictures of a girl or boy in his phone. Most likely single.'

They kept their conversation going as more people got on, and others left. Surprisingly, they had a lot in common, Hanji had felt an instant connection with him. The time had passed as her laughter filled up the train, he'd only chuckle from time to time. She could see he wasn't really the emotional type, but that was fine.

Hanji didn't need to sense the emotion, it was like she could read his mind. Her eyes peered out the window to notice her stop coming up, would he get off with her? Had she made that much of an impact on him?

"Well, looks like my stops coming up." Hanji told him, gathering her belongings to prepare to get off.

"Oh." That was all he said, "Maybe I'll see you again someday."

A sad smile crossed her face, knowing that he wasn't going to make the move. "Maybe."

The train came to a stop as she began to walk towards the doors, Hanji glanced back one last time to see him looking at her. Would this be like the movies? Would he yell out her name and tell Hanji he couldn't live without her? It wouldn't, he doesn't love her. Hanji's foot hovered as she began to step out. But she had already made up her mind.

He doesn't love her. At least, not yet.

"Actually, can I have your number?" The brunette asked as the doors closed, and only the two of them remained.

Instagram: levihansociety
Published: 02/28/2021
Word Count: 932 words

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