Dinner conversation

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Gerards P.O.V.

It was the day of the start of warped tour and everyone one was excited. Everyone was going to meet at the first venue in Seattle and I couldn't wait to see everyone. I pulled up to the venue with Lyn-z and got off and opened door for her then started getting our luggage off, we had left Bandit with my mom, we were going to miss her but we couldn't bring her. As i walked to our tour bus and Lyn-z walked to hers I saw ray and immediately dropped everything and hugged him "How have things been going? I asked. How is Skull?" After I said skull his face immediately dropped from a smile into a frown and that's when I knew something was up "What's wrong?" I asked with worry in my voice, he hesitated to answer but finally did "Sh-She died.. But wrote me a letter to move on so that's exactly what I'm going to try to do.. For her.." He gave a slight smile and I patted his back "It'll be alright. This tour will get your mind off it. C'mon let's go unpack" I said as i grabbed my stuff and headed onto the bus

Franks P.O.V.

I headed toward the bus with Mikey. We were both excited to see Ray and Gerard. Cherry and Lily were with Mikeys Mom. I promised I would take them on tour but just not this one. Too dangerous. I opened the bus door for Mikey and I, then walked in. We were immediately greeted by Gerard and explained rays situation. It was sad seeing him down but I'm glad he's trying to move on. Mikey just sat there looking nervous. I think it's because he told gerard he's gay.. I sigh and sit next to mikey leaning my head on his shoulder. This is going to be a long tour.

Lyn-z's P.O.V.

Okay. I admit it. I knew that miles was jimmys baby not Franks. But how was I suppose to bring a situation like that up? It's not your common dinner conversation. All I have to do is keep frank away from jimmy. or else things will get really bad. I walk into the bus and notice no one is here yet. Good. I unpack my stuff and choose my bunk. As soon as I'm done Steve Walked in "Hey!" I say as I hug him he hugged back and said "Ugh I missed you" I chuckled "I missed you too" After that Jimmy walks in and guess who he has with him..

Authors note:


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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