A new life can lead to death

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Franks POV

"I can't believe you!" I exclaim trying to hold back my tears, I can't believe it.. Jamia cheated on me. And with Jimmy! I knew the kid wasn't mine.. "We're getting a divorce and you can take Cherry and Lily there more your kids than mine anyways" She says as she storms out of the house with miles" As soon as that door shuts I fall to my knees and burst into tears just as cherry comes in "Daddy why are you crying?" She asks and I look up into her eyes and say "Mommy left.. And shes not coming back" Her eyes turned watery as she said "But why?" "Because mommy has done something very bad but it's okay you still Have me and Uncle Mikey and Uncle Gerard and Uncle Ray" I Say with a slight smile, Her watery eyes disappear and light up as she says "Does this mean that we get to with you on your trips to watch you play guitar?" I chuckle and say "Yes, Yes it does" She smiles brightly and runs to her room yelling "Lily! Lily! We get to go on trips with Daddy now we just had to give up mommy" I smile and get up, My new life starts now..

Rays POV

I walk up to Skulls adress and knock on the door a middle aged lady answers and I ask "Um is Kristen here?" She looks like she was going to burst into tears but but all she says is "She's dead, Now goodbye" And slams the door in my face.. Dead? Dead.. My best friend is dead I get into my car and am emotionless for a few seconds but then start crying and hitting the steering wheel with my fist This is what I get for waiting dammit! Theres a knock on my window I look up and see the lady and roll down my window as she says "Are you Ray?" "Y-Yes" I reply shakily, She hands me a letter and says "She wanted me to give you this" Then walks back inside I roll up my window and quickly open up the letter I read it she died of Cancer I can't believe it.. How did I not know about this.. She tells me to move on or she'll be unhappy.. I have to do what she says.. I sigh and wipe my eyes and drive off

Mikeys POV

I miss Frank, I try calling him but he wont answer and I'm worried, What if he's mad at me.. But for what? I haven't done everything wrong.. Have I? Maybe he knows I like him! Shit! I have to go see him, But how? He's in California and I'm in Jersey.. Gerard is taking bandit out later and Lyn-z will be at band practice I'll book the next flight to Cali and go.. I hope this works I sigh and reach for the pills on my night stand and take two and automatically feel sleepy I fall asleep to the thoughts of Franks beautiful smile

Gerards POV

I'm walking with Bandit to the park but I'm worried about Mikey, He's been locked up in his room all day and I don't want to bother him because I don't want to make him even more depressed knowing that I'm worrying, But I can't help it.. He's my little brother I snap out of my daze and look up and look for Bandit "Bandit?" I say but get no reply "Bandit!" I say louder, I look around the playground but can't find her then I start Panicking I start running around looking in every possible place she might be, I'm on the verge of tears and but I still scream her name, What if someone took her, What if I never get her back, What if she's dead these thoughts run through my head then suddenly I hear a tiny voice say "Daddy?" I quickly turn around and see bandit at my feet and pick her up and hug her tightly "Oh god, Never to that to me again! Where were you?" She says "I was playing in the grass over there" Then points to a field surrounded in trees "Okay, Never go over there without telling daddy first okay?" "Okay" She says as we start walking back, And I once again enter my "Is mikey Okay?" Daze I sigh and look down this wont be a pleasant expirience

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