The Before

51 3 1

Autumnvail, North Carolina 1640 November 7th

Today marks the day that the woods will try again to find someone worth of the secrets it protects. Each year the animals of the Forrest take turns to test the human race. If they pass the test the creature gets to decide whether to take him/her to the strong hold or to let them go. If they fail to pass...they will die. The woods had tested quite a few humans since the beginning of time and they had have luck along the way...but the most recent attempts have proven...less than lucky. This year is the deers turn to test the human. It is a female, she would be a great companion for the deer. As the woodland creatures sit back in the strong hold and watch, the outcome looks bleak. Each year when a creature fails at finding Their companion the hope of ever finding them become slimmer and slimmer. Some of the creatures have gone multiple times and nothing. The animals that have found their mates have hard decisions ahead. For the others Hope is always here but,also the always present reminder that they are alone.

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