Chapter 3

37 3 2

November 7th..

The sun poked its way into my room for awhile before graciously shining its rays into my sleeping eyelids. I groggily opened them cursing the bright light and turned over looking at the time. It was 8:00am, my heart burst in my chest and I screamed as I was late for school I rushed around my room throwing cloths on till I looked at my phone and mentally slapped myself about 20 times cause it's Saturday. I fell backwards on my bed and closed my eyes again..not knowingly I drifted away to somewhere I didn't know. I opened my eyes and I was back at the pond I must be dreaming again I thought to myself. I walked to the ponds edge this time reaching down to touch the liquid surface. My touch rippled across the silent pond and refracted the images of trees breaking them apart. I got to my feet and slowly made my way behind the stone wall, I looked around for the two boys I saw last time but came up empty. I ventured into the woods farther than the tree line. My palm came into contact with every tree I walked past. took in my surrounds, and I noticed one strange birds sang. The air was still almost stale everywhere except at the pond. I was wrapped up in my thoughts and I almost came into contact with the giant tree trunk inches away from my nose. I let out the gust of air I was holding in my chest unconsciously. I laid my forehead against its uneven, rough surface and breathed slowly. I backed up and continued my walk until a rustling sound to my left drew my attention. A deer came running into view,its ears tall at attention, her eyes were wide with fear. She continued to check her surroundings then sprint off again. I smiled and continued walking till a smell assaulted my nose,a delectable was the same smell from the other night. My heart started racing and my palms became slick with sweat and my breath quickened. I followed the sent slowly but directly, I followed only because of the power and strength that suddenly filled me . I came to a spot where a large rock made its home between two giant trees. The sunlight shined directly on the top warming it. All of a sudden a large shadow was cast over it, I looked up and my eyes met with a pair of light green ones. My mouth dropped at the wolfs beauty. It's fur was a chestnut brown with a dark spot on the left side of his face,his tail was fluffy and stood upright. His eyes never left mine, I smiled and spoke softly to him "hey there little guy,you're really pretty I hope you don't mind me being here,and don't eat me" I could see him tilt his head at me and his tongue rolled out and smiled at me. My mind started to feel tugged and pulled at, I rubbed my temples when I felt something inside my brain almost move. " Hello, beautiful" My head snapped to attention and I looked around,ready to bolt at the slightest movement. I heard the most tantalizing seductive chuckle I've ever heard in my life. "I hear you, now show yourself" I tell to the lonely Forrest. " Beautiful,I'm right here waiting to talk with you" I noticed out of the corner of my eye the wolf jump down from the rock and saunter over to me. "Oh my goodness" I said out loud. I got on my knees and looked at the big wolf and slowly a smile formed on my face. He came over and licked my face and I giggled. "I could listen to that giggle for the rest of my life,which I plan on doing" he said slowly. "How can I hear you" I say to him "well darling, you see it's our souls that are communicating here, you are our mate so that makes it possible for us to meet here" "what do you mean our? " I ask " Well ya see here I'm simply a wolf spirit for me to exist I must accompany a human spirit and we co-exist inside one being giving me a body to exist in. So I am connected to the human spirit who's name is Finn. My name is Kace sweet one." He states confidently.  "I was here a night ago and I saw two humans one was named Paige I think,the other I didn't catch his name" kace chuckled and he smiled then spoke " yeah Finn can get easily distracted he probably didn't even know it was his soul there not his physical body,as for Paige...he's our partner this year in looking for our mates" I have him a confused look and went to ask a question but he spoke before I could " I know your confused lovely mate but come into the woods tonight and hopefully I shall see you later" He stood up and walked over to me and nuzzled against my neck and nipped my lip,licking me before running off, he stopped and looked at me again before running off again. I smiled and caressed my lips where I felt the tingles still and closed my eyes. I woke up in my bed..unfortunately. I looked at my phone and found it was 3:00pm. I sat there for awhile thinking about my dream..or not dream for that matter. I got up and made my way downstairs to have a cup of tea and watch a movie. I only decided around 6 to like actually do something with myself and like shower and put makeup on for no other reason than to please myself....and maybe a few Instagram worthy selfies. After I picked out my outfit which consisted of short boots with a buckle on the side a pair of leggings and my favorite giant sweatshirt, I went outside with my dog for a walk. My eyes were trained steadily on the Forrest beside me, in my mind I played my dream conversation with Kace on a loop till I winded up back at my front porch steps. I felt I needed to just walk in there for no other reason than to prove weather my dream was reality or exactly that...a dream. I sat down and formulated my plan. I would pack some snacks and water and go into theForrest...till midnight than leave to prove to myself that none of this is real. I ran upstairs grabbed my bag shoved some chips and water and a slim Jim in there and a extra sweatshirt and my portable phone charger,I checked my phone and 9:45pm flashed on the screen before I shut it off and shoved it in my pocket. I grab the flashlight and head out the door. I walk straight to the path I made in the woods and just kept walking my flashlight steadily pointing in front of me. Im walking as my inner self conscious batted its self against parts of me that craved this to be real and another part that knew there was no truth behind any of these events. I listen to the howl of the wind through the tree branches and I just feel so invested in this that it's making me sad and angry and excited and I have no idea what to do I walk and walk, when my stomach growls so I stop and pull out some chips and pull my phone out 11:00pm flashed on the screen I try to load Facebook but and slapped with a "no signal" box. I grumble to myself and throw my phone back in my pocket and finish my food and get back up and walk. I am no longer on a trail just wondering through the woods aimlessly trying to prove something to myself. I start to remember the soft fur of Kace under my finger felt so warm and the tingles I got were were addicting I wanted more. I longed to touch the soft fuzzy parts of his ears and listen to him speak inside my mind and talk to me as an equal not anything less even though I most definitely am a lesser being compared to him. My thoughts stopped as I trip over something and am sent tumbling across the Forrest floor. I halt and collect myself, I feel liquid dripping down my arm, I look to see a cut on the side of my hand..nothing too serious luckily. I get up and back track looking for the damned thing that tripped my gracious walk. The moon light reflected off it..or I would have walked by it. A leather bound hilt with trims of some kind of metal protruded from the ground, I grabbed ahold of it and with all my might I picked it out of the ground. The blade was about 8 inches long and very sharp for something that had been in the ground. My mind traveled the distance around all the possible scenarios that landed this blade here. I played out a scene in my head when something drew my attention. I cautiously scanned the area. When a loud roar erupted from behind a tree. I stood frozen in terror as a huge grizzly bear walked from behind the tree about 20 feet from me. I took a gulp and shook with fright, the bear took careful steps toward me and I looked around and decided to run. I ran with every muscle in my body,even the ones I never knew I had. I ran and ran even though I could hear the bear right behind me I ran till I felt the pain in my chest become unbearable...I looked around quickly searching for a place to hide. I found a rock wall and ran to the side of it I slammed my body against it and slid down. I was shaking and I held the knife so hard it started to cut me. I looked at the blade and thought I could take the bear on if he finds me..but could I live with myself if I took his life. I think hard about this as I feel the cool wet gust of air down my neck and look to see the bear inches from my head. I scream and fall on my back and gripped the knife and pointed it at the bear and shouted" please don't move bear I don't wanna hurt you" but he kept coming to me I swear and in the last second throw the blade as he starts to run at totally defenseless. I smile softly with the thought of soft fur rustling around my fingers and close my eyes as he bounds closer. I then open my eyes and am met with a pair of soft hazel eyes and a cold nose. I all of a sudden feel warm and safe and am hit with the same smell as before...I relax and search for the hazel eyes that stared into mine not moments before, but found nothing. I got up and walked, I had know conscious thought of where I was going but I suddenly knew when I entered the clearing and saw the moons reflection on the water covered rocks something told me I was in a familiar place. I understood where. And then in the distance I saw the wolf from my dream. I shook my head not thinking I was asleep. But as I thought back, I could have hit my head, but staring at this wolf I didn't care I just wanted the dream to continue...or what I thought was a dream

😬 hey guys just want to take a quick second to give a should out to @aamayzing_o5 for the amazing cover!! ( new to the shoutout thing so sorry if I didn't do it right lol) So thanks again for reading and feel free to give me any feedback..good or bad all is accepted 😎

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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