Prologue: An Intrusion

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If you haven't read book one, read it first. Otherwise this is going to be a spoiler!

'This is lovely!' Marinette squealed, receiving her professionally tailored, flowing, white gown. 'Thank you!'

'No problem,' the tailor replied, bowing. 'I hope you will like wearing it!' He smiled, turned away, and closed the door. It had a spherical golden bell that rung gently every time it opened or shut.

Marinette made her way along the bustling street, and then turned sharply to find another lane, which was practically empty. She walked briskly along the pavement, discerning the beautiful lawns and unique houses.

'Isn't it beautiful Tik-' she stopped in mid sentence, suddenly exhaling in disappointment and sadness as she closed her eyes. The kwami God had taken back their miraculouses, because there was no Hawkmoth, and because perhaps they needed a break. She had then given the miraculouses to two new people, but they weren't the same. Without her kwami, sometimes Marinette felt quite alone.

She hurried down the pavement and then looked at the bungalow right at the end. That was hers. It was really small, but it was cosy and comfortable, so she didn't mind, really.

Marinette pulled out a key from her pocket and opened the front door. 'I'm home,' she called, in an sing-song voice, putting the keys on the table. Adrien came out of the kitchen with soapy hands and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

'I found a dress,' Marinette grinned. 'Do you like it?'

'I love it!' Adrien cried, looking at the dress. 'This is going to look marvelous on you!' Marinette flushed with happiness although she didn't know why she did that these days.

'Cake!' she suddenly yelled, her voice ricocheting through the hallway. 'I forgot cake! How could I? What am I going to do now?!'

'Calm down, Mari,' Adrien soothed, 'order the cake -'

'But the cake takes two day to arrive! And -'

There was a knock on the door and Marinette rushed to open it - to find her best friend standing there with a wide grin plastered on her face.

'Good morning Marinette!' Alya laughed. In her hands was a massive, triple layer cake with strawberries and two figures perched on the top. Around each layer were blobs of icing, topped with an edible silver ball. At the bottom were a selection of red and black flowers, each made of chocolate.

'Oh my ... Thank you Alya!' Marinette laughed, about to launch into a  hug when Alya put on an expression which pretty much read 'cake'. She looked down at the fragile cake and nodded, picking it up and setting it on the table.

Then she threw herself into an enormous hug. 'Thanks so much Alya! I don't know what I'd do without you. There wouldn't be a cake!'

Alya laughed. 'Don't worry about it, girl. Besides, I knew you would forget. No offence.'

'None taken,' Marinette grinned. 'Anyway, you can come in and help - I'm really busy.'

Alya smiled. 'I really have to go home and check on Nino. Sorry!'

'No, that's alright,' Marinette replied, giving Alya one last hug.

'Okay! Bye Mari! Bye Adrien!'

'Bye!' Marinette and Adrien chorused, as the door closed. 


 'You look beautiful,' Mrs Cheng smiled, draping over Marinette's veil. 'Are you ready?'

Marinette nodded, nervously, and Mr Dupain took her arm. 'Let's go,' he said, as the white doors opened to reveal a church full of standing people. Marinette squeezed her eyes shut as she walked down the red carpet, the isle. An organ played in the background as the hall filled with clapping.

Marinette met Adrien at the end of the isle as her heart beat rapidly.

'Will you, Adrien Agreste ...'

She opened her eyes. Her palms were clammy.

'Take Marinette Dupain-Cheng to be your wife?'

She looked up at him longingly.

'I do.'

'And do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, take Adrien Agreste to be your husband?'

Marinette felt time freeze; the people staring up at her happily, the priest looking down at them both, Adrien smiling at her.

'I d-'

The church doors burst open with a loud bang and everyone whirled around.


I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Book II of the Importance of a Kwami. It was really short, sorry, it's a prologue and prologues are short. Okay! Love you all! Bye!

-Hazel xx

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