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It's the beginning of December, 6:45am and Karlie is running as fast as she can, even if it's freezing cold and it's about to snow.

Since that evening in October her sleeping schedules have been messed up, she wakes up at 5.30am, and then she goes for her morning run to clear her mind before classes. It's her first year at Harvard med school and she still can't believe she's finally into the program of her dreams.

She's always been a prodigy child, in elementary school her parents and teachers thought that she could have easily skipped a grade; then they moved to Boston where she started high school, and that's how she met Taylor.

Taylor. The same girl that was the founder of the glee club and president of the drama and arts club; she was the first person she met on her first day, and they immediately hit it off. Years passed and they became best friends, always attached at the hip and then, on Taylor's 18th birthday, they shared their first kiss. And it was fireworks, earth-shattering, life changing.

They've always had different interests, Karlie has been all this science girl, lover of biology and chemistry, while Taylor has had this passion for music and writing since she was a kid, but they have been so supportive of one another, no matter what.

She remembers vividly when she got into Harvard, after her premed at Boston University. They were in Berlin celebrating her graduation and Taylor's Bachelor of Arts degree, when Kimby called her screaming and making incoherent noises, that Kariann then translated into a ''We're so proud of you, Harvard alumna.''

And now here she is, ready to become a doctor and take care of people's lives, kids' in particular, hoping to fill somehow that sense of emptiness inside.

Just 7 miles away Taylor is staring at the ceiling waiting for he alarm to go off, so she can pretend she slept tonight as well.

''Good morning, princess!''

''Please don't call me that, Cara.'' She says, trying not to break down for that nickname, as her new roommate pours a mug of coffee for her.

''Right, sorry. Anyway, ready for tonight? We've got a big day ahead of us, so you better drink this, eat something and put a cute smile on that pretty face of yours, am I clear?''

Cara knows how Taylor is feeling right now, sort of. Her previous roommate was the same girl with whom she used to have an on-off relationship for years, and now that this girl is studying miles away at Penn Law, she's into this limbo and doesn't know what to do. But Taylor and Karlie's relationship was a different story.

''Cara? Are you here?'' Taylor's voice snapped her out of her reverie, ''did you call Ed to remind him that he can't be late this time?''

''Yes, boss. No worries, we'll be snatching wigs tonight with our performance. The Heartbeats are the best pop rock band in Boston, we know it and now the rest of the world slowly seems to agree with me.''

Taylor knows she's lucky she has Cara with her, otherwise she'd be sitting on the floor wearing Karlie's clothes, eating junk food and thinking about her.

After that day months ago they kind of had a silent agreement on not talking to each other for a while, but just checking how the other was through their old friends.

Taylor was the one who moved out, because the apartment is near Karlie's campus, and she was spending more time at the studios recording, so it was easier for her to go anyway.
And she's kind of glad she did because those four walls keep so many memories that her her head feels like a bomb ready to explode just thinking about it.

Her songwriting hasn't stopped though, she doesn't talk about it much, but when she finds a pen and a piece of paper in her pocket words flow like a river. Sometimes she has to block herself, if not she'll write 10 minutes long songs about someone she used to think was her future, but actually isn't her present anymore.

She has always had those big dreams for her and Karlie, from the very beginning of their relationship, and right now she feels like the sky crashed on her and all that is left is this hope that haunts her dreams when she closes her eyes.

A/N: I know, I know, another short update. But I'm still testing the waters so... next chapter will be longer, I promise. Also I'll rry to update weekly. Hope you like it :)

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