Bailey groaned. Of course Meg would be ranting. 

Ryder: OMG, is it true that U puked on UR second grade teacher? LOL

Bailey froze and her blood went cold and she wasn't sure, but thought it was possible she'd passed out for a moment. She rubbed her eyes, read Ryder's last message again. There was no mistake. Meg had told him something she'd promised — she’d vowed she'd never talk about. With hands that shook, she typed her reply.

Bailey: I'll take care of it. Meg's just mad. I'll see you tomorrow.

Ryder: No! Talk to me first. Is this true? That's pretty funny.

Her face flamed. How could she ever face Ryder after this? It's not like she purposely walked up to her teacher and threw up on her. She'd had the flu! She hadn't wanted to go to school, but Nicole made her go and by the time she'd gotten there, she was shivery, achy, and her stomach was screaming. She’d tried, she’d really tried, to be brave and strong and when she couldn’t stand the rumble in her belly another minute, she went to the teacher, intending only to ask permission to see the nurse. Instead, her last meal had come up the second she'd opened her mouth. Everybody laughed and pointed and made Eww noises and she'd wished she was dead. Unfortunately, she'd recovered and had to go back to school a few days later.

Annoyed and embarrassed all over again, Bailey grabbed her cell phone and tapped out a quick message to Meg. 

Meg, WTF? I like this boy. I REALLY like him. Why would you tell him I threw up all over Miss Monroe? I'm sorry I keep forgetting our plans but if you ruin this for me, I'll never speak to you again.

Bailey closed her phone with a snap and typed another message.

Bailey: You still there? I just told Meg to back off.

Ryder: Yeah, I'm here. But I don't think she got your message. OMG, did you really write a love poem to somebody in seventh grade? That's really cute. Will you write me one, too? 

Bailey stood up so fast, she jostled her desk and everything on it. With her hands clenched into fists and her chest heaving, she tried to form a plan, but each of her ideas involved tearing out Meg's silky straight hair strand by strand. What was wrong with her? She'd told her how much she liked Ryder. She'd even told her she'd never speak to her again.

A thought struck her with such clarity, Bailey stilled. All that pouting, all those times Meg pounced on Ryder's broken promises, their arguments – of course! She should have seen it. Meg was jealous.

But why? Why would she be jealous when she keeps warning her Ryder could be a serial pedophile? And Meg had backed off after she’d texted Ryder herself. Why? Oh. Bailey pressed both hands to her gaping mouth when the answer kicked her in the head. It was art. It had to be the art. Ryder knew a lot about art. Better, he even liked it. Meg said herself Chase thought the Scream guy was just a movie producer. Bailey never knew Scream had been anything but a movie either. But to Meg, it was like this huge deal.

The more she considered the possibility, the more likely it became. Her chest hurt. It was hard to breathe. She rubbed the ache, but it didn’t help. All this time, she’d believed — really believed — that Meg was just worried about her safety. But that wasn’t true.

Meg wanted Ryder.

Meg was trying to steal Ryder from her. Bailey wrapped her arms around her middle and tried not to throw up. It explained everything. And now she thought by telling him her most embarrassing moments, she was just going to hide? So not happening.

Bailey's mouth twisted. Meg wanted to tell stories? Awesome! Bailey had a bunch to tell.

"Ha!" Bailey laughed out loud and grabbed the mouse. She clicked the link to Ryder's Facebook wall and then changed her mind. On her own wall, she posted something she was certain would make Meg curl up and die.

Hey, Meg! Remember that time in first grade when you wet your pants and had to wear a pair of underwear Mrs. Nichols kept in her desk? Too bad they were boys' underwear, though. Do you still have them?

Laughing quietly, she added a link to a potty training website and sat back while her wall filled with comments. The computer pinged.

Ryder: OMG, Bailey, did that really happen? Meg's gonna be so pissed.

Bailey crossed her arms and nodded at Ryder's last message. If that were really Caitlyn, she’d be all over that last post. Did Meg really think she was dumb enough to fall for that? Well, she would not delete the post. Meg had gone too far this time and Bailey wasn't taking it anymore.

Bailey: Just fighting fire with fire.

Ryder: Look, don’t make a big deal out of this. Gotta go.

What? No! Bailey waited for another message, but no more came. She even texted Ryder an apology from her phone, but he never replied. Bailey flung herself to her bed with a curse. Damn it! It wasn't fair. Things had been going so well. Ryder was sweet and funny and really liked her, really understood her and Meg had to go and ruin everything again. 

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