00. Before Anything Else

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"What the ... ?"

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she squints in confusion at her phone screen. Who the hell is texting her at almost four am in the morning on a school night ? She's getting ready to cuss their ass out when she's sees that it's an unknown number, disappointed she huffs and decides to open the text -she's already awake anyways. It's a dick pick, at four am, a fucking dick pick from a stranger. They're so lucky I can't call them to cuss them out ! She grumbles before dropping her phone in surprise because lo and behold, Mr. Dick Pick is calling her ! Her inner pettiness decides to come out at this moment and before she knows it, she accepts the incoming call.

" Hey darling." a husky deep voice greets her ears,"It's me Raph, from the club yesterday."

"Huh...Hey ?" she cringes at how awkward she sounds.

"Are you alright ? You sound kinda...weird ?" he asks sounding slightly amused, "did you forget about me already ?"

Now what, huh ? What do I answer to this, she asks herself. Quickly deciding to see where this goes, she decides to feign innocence and play along his game.

"Well...kinda ? I'm sorry it's just that last night I drank a lot and I kinda don't remember what happened ?"

"Oh." He says a little surprise," Maybe I can help you remember then ? Just take off your panties and I assure you, all of your memories will come back!"

She actually takes a couple of seconds to decide if she should listen to him, but in the end, she does. After all, there's basically no chance of them every meeting in person right ? what the worse that could happen ?


She rapidly gets the answer to that , when as she's just arrived in class the owner of the same voice - that was lustfully whispering crude things to her a week ago - is now right behind her, talking with a friend and loudly saying :

"You know that girl I told you about last week ? It's weird but she hasn't called me, I'm kinda worried honestly."

"Then call her, right now dude! And she'll let you know"

Except a) "her" is right here , b) Ruby Williams, herself and c) Mr. Dick Pick turns out to be Raphael Kingston aka the local overconfident rich and white boy and d) they hate each other !

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