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The next morning after the party rumors began to fly around about who the heir of Slytherin was. But they were all just rumors. Which was all I heard until Hermione pulled me aside after breakfast on my way to class.

"Kendra!" Hermione called as she ran up to me. "Can you come to the library during free period to help me research the Chamber of Secrets? I haven't found anything so far."

"Sure." I replied. She was about to head off to class when I stopped her. "Hey, we only found out about the Chamber of Secrets last night. How did you already do research?"

"I woke up before breakfast and went to the library."
She said like she didn't see why no one else did.


I met Hermione in the library during free period. We searched to whole time and found nothing. We even looked at the titles of books in the restricted section to see if there was one there. But there wasn't.

Hermione and I walked into history very discouraged. I sat down and plopped my bag on the floor while Hermione took out her note paper and a quill. I usually just wrote the homework assignment on my hand with a Sharpie.

Harry and Ron walked in a few minutes late, but everyone was too bored to notice. A few minutes into the lesson Hermione raised her hand. Mr. Binns was shocked that anyone would take interest in his class and called on her immediately.

"Mr. Binns, what do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?"
Hermione questioned innocently.

Amazing! Why hadn't I thought of that? The class suddenly perked up and everyone was listening.

"Um- well- The Chamber of Secrets, which is said to house a terrible monster, was created by one of the school’s founders, Salazar Slytherin, after an argument  with Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw, in believing that students of non-magical parentage should be refused entry to the Hogwarts.
But the Chamber of Secrets is just a tale. The writing on the wall was just a terrible joke."
He answered, then carried on with his lesson

Nobody was paying any attention. The class was not  convinced that the Chamber was just a tale though. Some muggleborns looked uneasy and Hermione looked very determined. That night she she spent half the night re-reading Hogwarts a history.

"Hermione you should watch the game!"

"I am watching it Ronald."

"No your not. Your reading."

"I can do both!"

I heard Ron and Hermione bickering as I watched the Quidditch game with Lav, Jazz and Cho. Gryffindor was playing Hufflepuff.

"What has been bothering Hermione?" Lavender wondered.

"I don't know. She has been reading any been on the architecture of Hogwarts as well as anything about the castles history."

"Is that really strange for Hermione though?" Cho pointed out.

"Well no, but it all started after  the writing on the wall. I think she is worried about it."
I stated.

"Well that makes sense, her being a muggleborn and all." Jazz commented.

I turned my attention back to the game as a Budget flew over his head. I winced, that was close. Then three more came at Harry from all different directions.

I jumped up and ran to Ron and Hermione.

"What is going on?" I demanded.

"I don't know!" Hermione yelled frantically.

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