The Pits of Kaon

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Lightstar lay alone in her berth, sore and feeling sick. Her stomach hurt, her face was bruised, and she had a terrible helmache.

Sitting up slightly, Lightstar checked the time to see that it was about 4 in the morning. Early to most, but she knew that her little brother Breakdown would be getting up soon... She should clean herself up before he got up and found her this way.

Groaning softly, Lightstar got up and limped slightly as she made her way towards the washracks... Barricade had not been gentle, but she was used to that now. Few of her business partners, or "friends" as she told Breakdown, were, so she stopped expecting it.

Lightstar vented softly as she cleaned herself off quickly, getting out of the washracks and quickly replacing her armour just as Breakdown appeared.

"Lightstar?" The tiny voice of the small blue mech asked, coming into her room.

Putting on a smile, Lightstar turned and looked at him. "Hey, Breaky. You're up early." She smiled in a teasing tone, using her nickname for him.

Breakdown rolled his yellow optics at her. "I don't like it when you call me Breaky!" He cried in exasperation, throwing his arms in the air as his sister laughed. "I know you like it." She answered, the smile reaching her optics now, making them light up.

Rolling his optics a second time, Breakdown snorted and crossed his arms. "Did you have any friends over? What about the one last night? Did they pay you or forget to again?" He asked, looking up at her.

Lighstar vented softly as she looked down at him. "They forgot to pay me again." She answered softly. It was a lie she had created since the time Breakdown became old enough to begin asking questions.

Growling softly under his breath, the small blue mech looked up at her. "Where are you going today?" He asked her curiously.

Breakdown looked up at her as his sister looked down at him. "I'm going further into Kaon." She answered softly.

Shifting slightly in excitement, Breakdown's arms uncrossed on their own. "Can I come?" He asked excitedly. "Is it near the pits where Megatronous fights?" He added, nearly hopping around the room in excitement.

Lightstar vented. "No, Breakdown, you may not come." She answered, picking him up and setting him on her berth. "You will have to stay here." She added.

In fact, Lightstar was not only going to be near the pits of Kaon, she was going into it... The gladiators might just so happen to be better than the mechs around her home... The very least would be that some of them would pay for her services.

"Why not?" Breakdown questioned, looking up at her with a frown on his faceplates.

Shaking her head, Lightstar put on a smile. "It's too dangerous for a little mechling like you." She answered, kissing his helm.

"But you said I was big like sire!" Breakdown responded defensively.

"No." Lightstar answered calmly. "I said you would be big like sire." She responded as she straightened to her full height. "You may play outside, but watch out for the slavers." She told him.

Slavers were common day, especially around areas like where they lived.

Standing upright, Lightstar smiled down at him again. She wished she could stay with him... Play with him... She wished she didn't have to do this kind of work, but she was put in a place where she didn't have a choice... She had to take care of Breakdown, and this was the only way someone as low in the castes as her could make any sort of profit... If any.

"I'll be back later tonight." Lightstar told him gently. "I want you in your berth by the time I get home, alright?" She asked him with a slight smile.

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