Ch 4

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*sorina pov*
As we walked we came upon la push and it was beautiful. Actually not that far either, how interesting. We walked to a house at the end where lots of voices could be heard arguing. I stopped frightened of the noise. "You alright? I know they can be loud and all." Seth said. All I could to was shake my head no. I hated arguing, it brought back my worst nightmares. "One moment. Can you wait here?" Seth asked getting a nod from me before he went up to the house. "OY Sam Emily your scaring the guest!" He shouted coming back to me. Then everyone tumbled out of the small home. "Hello, I'm Emily sam's wife come inside little one. I won't bite. Let's leave these boys to get things taken care of." A lady said stepping forward and taking my hand. I noticed the scars on her face but focused instead on her eyes. They were bright and full of sincerity. "Don't." I heard sam growl out. "Don't stare I wasn't. My papa taught me to judge by ones eyes that was where I was looking." I said sternly locking eyes with Sam and seeing his concern over lapped with anger. "Yes please Emily I would love to go inside. It's quite chilly out." I said turning back to Emily with a smile. Emily lead me inside and the house was very comforting. "Don't worry about him he's protective of me." Emily said making me look back at her. "I can tell." I said softly "is it true that those guys will help me fix my house? Cuz I don't know how to pay them back?" I asked unsurely. "Yes they will help. And for repayment none is necessary. Unless you truly wish it." A kind voice said behind me. "Billy! How did you get in here?" Emily exclaimed. "None of your concern now Emily." The man in a wheelchair said sternly. "My name is sorina sir. And if I may I would like to pay you back. It was another lesson my papa taught me." I said with a smile. "Of course. Now I do need some help around the house since Jacob has been gone a lot lately. Would you mind helping me?" Bully asked. I looked into his eyes and saw his words as truth, but hidden was a secret. "Yes I would love to help you. But um where exactly do you live?" I asked with a small smile. "Jake and I live in the only red house around. It's just down the road."
Bully said I nodded remembering walking past a red colored house on my way here with Seth.

Once upon an imprint (a Seth Clearwater fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now